
I don't know how it is in other countries but here, you can get a bank account at any stage in your life so it's easy for students or even children to have a PayPal account hooked up with their bank card.
Having Google Play cards be like money cards would mean extra overhead for Google to transfer funds to other companies. In the current system, they already have the money once you buy the card so they don't have to do anything after that.
I wish there was another way to pay for chapter in the internet, rather than using PayPal or Credit cards.... Like what if they can accept money from google play cards etc... For that I don't mind because not only it's accessible in convenient stores, but it can also perfect for students to use their pocket money to invest on a google play card and use it to buy chapters online as well. That way ppl in the internet won't have any reason to deny paying for chapters online as it's easy accessible? Just a thought, what do you guys think?