Tbh I’m surprised soyoung never told Heejae properly why was he so mad about it

lokifa October 14, 2023 2:14 pm

He spent so much time and money on the game, and Heejae eviscerated his 70 member clan (and also stole an expensive weapon? Idk I forgot but like he did steal something) then made vids on all of it, effectively making them look like absolute losers, trash talking them and making sure that nobody would ever think of joining their clan,

Also shit talked him to a whole ass audience saying he had zero skills and bought his account

Like he basically bullied the uke to the point that he quit , but I feel like that’s just being brushed aside in less than 3 panels haha

What soyoung did to him was bad, but he returned all the gifts and even the money- he was actually remorseful about it but the seme seems to be very oblivious to how hurtful he was.

    iFA ☆ October 14, 2023 5:04 pm

    I completely agree wtf

    Xiexie October 15, 2023 10:57 am

    damn ur absolutely right

    noot noot October 16, 2023 7:54 am


    Eggu_chan October 16, 2023 10:58 am

    Lowkey, i originally read this story because i wanted to see the conclusion to that. Or any sort of remorse/satsifying reaction from the ML but. Oh well--im pretty much hooked by how much of a gremlin both of these 2 are. Just sucks MC's bad history with the seme just gets brushed away.