BubblyBakugo October 14, 2023 11:01 am

Alright this is cute and whatever but I NEED minwoo to come back.... I want skyler to face his past so it doesn't have control over him anymore. Skyler ran away and I want him to have a proper fight with it. CAUSE ITS NOT FAIR HOW MINWOO DID WHAT HE DID AND GOT AWAY WITH IT

    fenisme October 14, 2023 11:13 am

    paskim said that minwoo's story is over, he served his purpose and she doesn't plan on making him come back. skylar can heal on his own, he doesn't need to face his past again.

    BubblyBakugo October 14, 2023 11:54 am
    paskim said that minwoo's story is over, he served his purpose and she doesn't plan on making him come back. skylar can heal on his own, he doesn't need to face his past again. fenisme

    Bro whyyyy and he does need to face his past its good development

    fenisme October 14, 2023 1:16 pm
    Bro whyyyy and he does need to face his past its good development BubblyBakugo

    how is it good development? skylar is already healing, he doesn't need to get back to his past again. people usually find closure on their own, not from the person who hurt them in the past and i think it's more realistic. skylar moved on, he has a new life now, hes finally happy and hopefully it stays that way. i get that people want midwoo to come back for plot purposes but honestly paskim just leaving him in the past is so much more realistic