Frustrated!!!! (my opinion only, and answer to certain someone)

LadyAmethyst November 24, 2016 4:12 am

Urrghhh..I need more chapters!!! I can always pay for this but the billing in spottoon and webtoon is giving me a hard time. Or was it because of the on-line banking system? Urgh whatever!

Anyway, just to *spoiler alerts* to some of you lots (kinda), June is NOT manipulating shit. He's the guy who almost lose his life to........(fill in the blank)........., the guy who really care about Yurim, the guy who go in between the parents and Yurim to make things better slowly but eventually (which took a different turn now because of those two stalkers; Sanho especially), the guy who definitely and already fall for her even when he try not to initially, the guy who tried to find solutions after solutions and give the best efforts for Yurim to have a normal life without being too scare and too dependent on her 'seeing', the guy who wants her to feel safe from the very beginning so he choose the role of protecting her, and finally he's the guy who happily become the boyfriend of Yurim because he loves her.

If it's just because he keep quiet about him knowing her parent and her past, he's been called as manipulative and shit, grow up (︶︿︶)=凸 it will be explained soon in the future chapters. I mean, think yeah! He had his reasons, he needs time before he could tell her. Yurim is like a bomb that could go off anytime if she's still in her own bubble. He needs her to slowly get out of it to see the world in beautiful lights, not the black shit. At least that's what I see him planning to do from recent chapters here (not from the spottoon, because I'll be saying a whole other things over there lol) before he tell her, so it won't be all heavy feelings for Yurim when the time comes.

I'm shocked to see there's people who asked June's supporters like me, to reevaluate my views just because he 'abused' Yurim's trust which is why he deserve to be called manipulative and it's Yurim's right to be all angry, feel betrayed and going all gangho about it. Errr bitch no! I'm no youngin' either. Yurim can feel all those stuff because she has the right too but they both need to have a real talk between them, heart-to-heart, completely without being bias about betrayal and shit. Real life situation, a couple can breakup from this or a couple can have a far stronger and better relationship as the outcome. But I place my bet on the latter for both June and Yurim, because they both deserve each other. I just hope Yurim won't blame herself when she found out the truth. Urrghh you're killing me!!!

    LadyAmethyst November 24, 2016 4:18 am

    Wow! That is sooo long lol sorry guys, I had to let it out of my system when I saw someone say shit about June and Yurim because it didn't go to what they want as it's not realistic at all. Meehh..not everyone is a jerk and think the world revolve around him/her. That's why relationship has different levels, stages and outcomes.