high rn

K1TTY0H October 14, 2023 5:31 am

“i’m sure mr. joo is suffering even more.”

um, excuse me? homeboy right here booty raping ya. and the fact that mf right here feels bad about his nasty ass behavior? i’m not even surprised at this point. low key these twinks gotta learn the difference between being cared for n being booty raped. this is a severe case of stockholm syndrome, im gonna have to turn to a psychiatrist rq. but fr, hope mr. joor rapist loses that match ! ! !

    Torakaze October 14, 2023 6:31 am
    FR OH MY GOD. but yk damn well these chronically online people r not understand the meaning of touching grass nor ever going to interact with other human being. smh these people need to stop arguing over someth... K1TTY0H

    Can we have civil conversations here? and stop attacking others? The attacks were uncalled and showed you were just waiting to pounce on someone with a different opinion to insult them. That is sad. Why can we just have to properly talk to others? There is nothing wrong with expressing different opinions.
    You are only talking about yourself. I am not even arguing. ii am sharing information and having a civil conversation. See you are talking about yourself. I am not defending this or my fantasies. I am neutral. I am a straight man. Do you feel ridiculous now? My wife and my friend love Bl stories. I get called in to analyze things or settle things. can you have a proper conversation or are you going to behave like a chilld?

    Torakaze October 14, 2023 6:33 am
    feel really fuckin bad sometimes cause i fear they’re tiny ahh kids getting weird messages from dumpster fires like this, then go on living life thinking this is normal.. and LMFAO just noticed your pfp. lite... *·˚ keibee

    Can we have civil conversations here? and stop attacking others? The attacks were uncalled. It is just cowardly. I think you are talking about yourself.

    *·˚ keibee October 14, 2023 6:34 am
    You have interesting interpretations. Can we get back on topic? or did you realize you were wrong? Torakaze

    we are on the topic, buddy. you replied to me and i replied to you. we actually have something in common because your interpretations are quite interesting to me, too! seems like they came straight out of a fever dream.

    *·˚ keibee October 14, 2023 6:36 am
    be aware lmfao, they coming at you now K1TTY0H

    they really are lmfao. i honestly can’t understand 80 percent of the responses thrown at me because it’s jumping all over the place. sigh. might just log off because i still require breathers unlike some…

    *·˚ keibee October 14, 2023 6:38 am
    Can we have civil conversations here? and stop attacking others? The attacks were uncalled. It is just cowardly. I think you are talking about yourself. Torakaze

    civil conversation? you’ve been throwing shade like there’s no tomorrow! you literally just claimed i was objectively wrong and you’re still trying to talk about personal opinions here?
    also, who said we were talking about you specifically? i think you feel incredibly threatened and insecure right now because no where did we directly mention you and consistently spoke in a general sense.

    K1TTY0H October 14, 2023 6:40 am
    Can we have civil conversations here? and stop attacking others? The attacks were uncalled and showed you were just waiting to pounce on someone with a different opinion to insult them. That is sad. Why can we ... Torakaze

    i’m pretty sure ur getting confused with everything i said in my cute little sentence. i was going after people who go after others in order to defend something that’s well known to show massive red flags, therefore being called chronically online cause their so delusional. also, i wasn’t even talking about you in that sentence. if you thought u were mentioned in my comment, than clearly you’re the problem. plus, don’t add random people into our small argument, this is between us.

    *·˚ keibee October 14, 2023 6:41 am
    Can we have civil conversations here? and stop attacking others? The attacks were uncalled and showed you were just waiting to pounce on someone with a different opinion to insult them. That is sad. Why can we ... Torakaze

    oh, gosh, man! i don’t know! if you haven’t noticed, i’ve actually been asking you genuine questions this whole time about your points because i’m willing to hear you out throughly without the redirected links. let’s get back on topic here. or did you realize you were wrong?

    K1TTY0H October 14, 2023 6:42 am
    they really are lmfao. i honestly can’t understand 80 percent of the responses thrown at me because it’s jumping all over the place. sigh. might just log off because i still require breathers unlike some… *·˚ keibee

    GOODBYE. i fr think that these responses r typed from an ai. dunno why lol

    *·˚ keibee October 14, 2023 6:45 am
    GOODBYE. i fr think that these responses r typed from an ai. dunno why lol K1TTY0H

    i was trying to find the best way to describe it and oh my god you hit the nail right on the head..

    K1TTY0H October 14, 2023 6:48 am
    i was trying to find the best way to describe it and oh my god you hit the nail right on the head.. *·˚ keibee

    also explains y this person responds so late. but let’s be honest, they fr making the ai do all the work :cry:

    synfull October 14, 2023 6:50 am
    i don’t see how getting all in every crevice and crack, trying to really narrow down to the specifics of certain terminologies is going to help anybody.what information are you correcting, exactly? because al... *·˚ keibee

    No, they can't

    *·˚ keibee October 14, 2023 6:52 am
    also explains y this person responds so late. but let’s be honest, they fr making the ai do all the work :cry: K1TTY0H

    help me you’re so funny.. i want to be friends but i don’t know if starting friendships on a website like this is something to be proud of LMFAO

    *·˚ keibee October 14, 2023 6:52 am
    No, they can't synfull

    i’ll patiently wait with my legs crossed. always giving the benefit of the doubt :)

    synfull October 14, 2023 6:55 am
    they *clap* have *clap* a *clap* sex *clap* contract *clap* lori3304

    There is no such thing. Contracts don't protect you from facing legal repercussions for illegal activity. Prostitution is illegal.

    K1TTY0H October 14, 2023 6:55 am
    help me you’re so funny.. i want to be friends but i don’t know if starting friendships on a website like this is something to be proud of LMFAO *·˚ keibee

    very flattered, but it’s true. it’ll be nice having a friend, but it’ll be funny to think on how the friendship even started. fr gonna become a bedtime story on how two people befriended each other while 2v1-ing an ai abuser

    synfull October 14, 2023 6:59 am
    consenting to everything beforehand for everything that follows after doesn’t necessarily mean it’s okay. it still counts as rape as KD doesn’t feel good about doing it, is being hurt, and is extremely sc... *·˚ keibee

    You can withdraw consent at anytime. Also, if Kim Dan hypothetically brought this to court, it'd be a slam dunk. There's no reality where it wouldn't be.

    *·˚ keibee October 14, 2023 6:59 am
    very flattered, but it’s true. it’ll be nice having a friend, but it’ll be funny to think on how the friendship even started. fr gonna become a bedtime story on how two people befriended each other while ... K1TTY0H

    honestly, a story worth of being told to all the generations that come after me.. except i hope mangago stays underground because i do not want more children roaming around here and eating this all up

    synfull October 14, 2023 7:02 am
    i don’t see how getting all in every crevice and crack, trying to really narrow down to the specifics of certain terminologies is going to help anybody.what information are you correcting, exactly? because al... *·˚ keibee

    They're apart of the paragraph mafia, they do this all the time. Literally trauma dumping on every thread.

    *·˚ keibee October 14, 2023 7:03 am
    You can withdraw consent at anytime. Also, if Kim Dan hypothetically brought this to court, it'd be a slam dunk. There's no reality where it wouldn't be. synfull

    yep, exactly how i feel about consent. the one time a person consents isn’t a be all end all thing. i wonder if a good chunk of the population haven’t watched the tea video yet..
    and honestly, not a huge politics and law nerd so didn’t want to speak on it.

    *·˚ keibee October 14, 2023 7:04 am
    They're apart of the paragraph mafia, they do this all the time. Literally trauma dumping on every thread. synfull

    oh, gosh. knowing this somehow makes me feel more useless. i think i’m going to get up now and indulge in real life hobbies.