high rn

K1TTY0H October 14, 2023 5:31 am

“i’m sure mr. joo is suffering even more.”

um, excuse me? homeboy right here booty raping ya. and the fact that mf right here feels bad about his nasty ass behavior? i’m not even surprised at this point. low key these twinks gotta learn the difference between being cared for n being booty raped. this is a severe case of stockholm syndrome, im gonna have to turn to a psychiatrist rq. but fr, hope mr. joor rapist loses that match ! ! !

    lori3304 October 14, 2023 5:34 am

    they *clap* have *clap* a *clap* sex *clap* contract *clap*

    K1TTY0H October 14, 2023 5:40 am
    they *clap* have *clap* a *clap* sex *clap* contract *clap* lori3304

    ok but joorrapist here thinks it’s alright to constantly booty rape the small twinkie without any given consent. (no hate tho, just pointing out my perspective, although i’m fr cracking up)

    Torakaze October 14, 2023 5:52 am

    Here is TMSM's post.
    it isn’t Stockholm Syndrome.
    As we know, Stockholm Syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time. This condition applies to situations including child abuse, coach-athlete abuse, relationship abuse, and sex trafficking

    This isn’t the right type of relationship abuse and if you look at psychological causes, signs, and symptoms this story doesn’t fit.


    It gives you 5 Examples of Stockholm Syndrome. None are close. 4 is the Stockholm syndrome abusive relationship. The abuse that causes Stockholm Syndrome isn’t there and there many elements that don’t allow to development of Stockholm syndrome.
    The original Beauty and the Beast is Stockholm Syndrome but the Disney’s version isn’t. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1460&context=criterion#:~:text=The%20original%20Beauty%20of%20Beauty,syndrome%20have%20all%20but%20vanished.

    K1TTY0H October 14, 2023 5:57 am
    Here is TMSM's post.it isn’t Stockholm Syndrome.As we know, Stockholm Syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over ti... Torakaze

    low key not reading this. but this post was clearly a joke. n r u fr defending this? genuine question xoxo

    *·˚ keibee October 14, 2023 6:01 am
    they *clap* have *clap* a *clap* sex *clap* contract *clap* lori3304

    consenting to everything beforehand for everything that follows after doesn’t necessarily mean it’s okay. it still counts as rape as KD doesn’t feel good about doing it, is being hurt, and is extremely scared & paranoid. it’s literally in the dialogue.
    your point of them having a sex contract doesn’t point to anything.

    Torakaze October 14, 2023 6:03 am
    ok but joorrapist here thinks it’s alright to constantly booty rape the small twinkie without any given consent. (no hate tho, just pointing out my perspective, although i’m fr cracking up) K1TTY0H


    Sexual coercion is when a person pressures, tricks, threatens, or manipulates someone into having sex. It is a type of sexual assault because even if someone says yes, they are not giving their consent freely.
    In all the examples only one is explicitly defined as rape. Not my opinion.

    mm that consent is gray .... you can view as rape. that is your pov. The story;s pov is sexual assualt and abuse. You choice.

    (Sorry, I need disclaimers.. JK is toxic. I am not defending him. I am not accusing rape. There is no rape to accuse. I have no opinon on the story or Jk besides its toxic. It is a trivial story. I care more about real rape survivor than a fictional story. Please have civil converation with me and not attack me because my opinon is the same as your with a few minor things. I am not sharing my opinons. Sexual coercion and that is sexual assault if Dan doesn’t consent. Rape is sexual assault not all sexual assault is rape. Sexual coercion ≠ rape. JK need to treat dan better. He does treat him in an abuusive manner. My freind and I get cyberbullied over this all the time and doesn't make sense because it is so similar. Rape is SA and I am saying the story is SA. I just have looked at the story really carefully and picked up a few things.)

    Torakaze October 14, 2023 6:04 am
    low key not reading this. but this post was clearly a joke. n r u fr defending this? genuine question xoxo K1TTY0H

    I am not defending it. I don't even like it.

    K1TTY0H October 14, 2023 6:05 am
    consenting to everything beforehand for everything that follows after doesn’t necessarily mean it’s okay. it still counts as rape as KD doesn’t feel good about doing it, is being hurt, and is extremely sc... *·˚ keibee

    agree w u on this. their comment made me question my own opinion on the recent chapter qqqq. sometimes people need to learn to go outside to get fresh air

    *·˚ keibee October 14, 2023 6:07 am
    I am not defending it. I don't even like it. Torakaze

    dude. you did not just pull out multiple articles and resource materials to try and defend random nitpicked statements within the original comment..? what are you even trying to achieve here if you’re spending all this time and energy to justify what is and what isn’t rape or stockholm syndrome if you claim to care more about real victims of rape at the same time..

    K1TTY0H October 14, 2023 6:09 am
    I am not defending it. I don't even like it. Torakaze

    okay. i was js saying, but i was js confused as to why you’re providing me such detailed ass paragraphs to correct me. no hate tho, you made it seem like u were defending this story

    Torakaze October 14, 2023 6:09 am
    consenting to everything beforehand for everything that follows after doesn’t necessarily mean it’s okay. it still counts as rape as KD doesn’t feel good about doing it, is being hurt, and is extremely sc... *·˚ keibee

    Right, no person is ever required to have sex with someone else. Regardless of a contract or not. But your point does not stand either. If Dan took Jk to court on not feeling good, and being hurt, and scared and paranoid. The judge will throw it out.

    *·˚ keibee October 14, 2023 6:11 am
    agree w u on this. their comment made me question my own opinion on the recent chapter qqqq. sometimes people need to learn to go outside to get fresh air K1TTY0H

    preach. it’s sometimes so clear when someone genuinely has zero knowledge on how real life relationships and human interactions work. really need to say it louder for the people in the back to touch grass instead of reading stories like this as their only hobby and learning point.

    *·˚ keibee October 14, 2023 6:14 am
    Right, no person is ever required to have sex with someone else. Regardless of a contract or not. But your point does not stand either. If Dan took Jk to court on not feeling good, and being hurt, and scared a... Torakaze

    where the actual hell does law come into play here? my point was that it was unconsenual intercourse to someone claiming that it was okay because there was a contract made beforehand which had no relevancy to the original argument.

    K1TTY0H October 14, 2023 6:17 am
    preach. it’s sometimes so clear when someone genuinely has zero knowledge on how real life relationships and human interactions work. really need to say it louder for the people in the back to touch grass ins... *·˚ keibee

    FR OH MY GOD. but yk damn well these chronically online people r not understand the meaning of touching grass nor ever going to interact with other human being. smh these people need to stop arguing over something that shows a clear message of anything bad in order to defend their fantasies.

    Torakaze October 14, 2023 6:22 am
    okay. i was js saying, but i was js confused as to why you’re providing me such detailed ass paragraphs to correct me. no hate tho, you made it seem like u were defending this story K1TTY0H

    I like to help others. I only read a part of your topic at the beginning. I am not correcting you. I am correcting the information to help you. These have been done before. They are copy and paste.

    A rape survivor made a comment and she was hideously attacked. A few defended her. We had false information spread to us. One of many was we were white-washing the ML. It was literally 20 or more vs 3 or 2 at times for over two months. They made our accounts jinx-only accounts. What else can I do?

    In a way I am defending the story but I think how you meant it would be different. I am just being truthful and honest.

    *·˚ keibee October 14, 2023 6:23 am
    FR OH MY GOD. but yk damn well these chronically online people r not understand the meaning of touching grass nor ever going to interact with other human being. smh these people need to stop arguing over someth... K1TTY0H

    feel really fuckin bad sometimes cause i fear they’re tiny ahh kids getting weird messages from dumpster fires like this, then go on living life thinking this is normal.. and LMFAO just noticed your pfp. literal gold

    Torakaze October 14, 2023 6:25 am
    where the actual hell does law come into play here? my point was that it was unconsenual intercourse to someone claiming that it was okay because there was a contract made beforehand which had no relevancy to t... *·˚ keibee

    You have interesting interpretations. Can we get back on topic? or did you realize you were wrong?

    K1TTY0H October 14, 2023 6:28 am
    feel really fuckin bad sometimes cause i fear they’re tiny ahh kids getting weird messages from dumpster fires like this, then go on living life thinking this is normal.. and LMFAO just noticed your pfp. lite... *·˚ keibee

    LOL thank you. the pfp goes to anyone who’s never had a real interaction with people and that defend anything that’s definitely not okay. but fr, these children gotta go.

    K1TTY0H October 14, 2023 6:31 am
    feel really fuckin bad sometimes cause i fear they’re tiny ahh kids getting weird messages from dumpster fires like this, then go on living life thinking this is normal.. and LMFAO just noticed your pfp. lite... *·˚ keibee

    be aware lmfao, they coming at you now

    *·˚ keibee October 14, 2023 6:31 am
    I like to help others. I only read a part of your topic at the beginning. I am not correcting you. I am correcting the information to help you. These have been done before. They are copy and paste. A rape surv... Torakaze

    i don’t see how getting all in every crevice and crack, trying to really narrow down to the specifics of certain terminologies is going to help anybody.
    what information are you correcting, exactly? because all i’ve been seeing is linked articles, trying to water down the negatives of the story by avoiding using certain words to describe situations.

    can you state a thesis of some sort to conclude your information please? because i can’t tell what you’re trying to, again, achieve with your arguments.

    lastly, the other comments don’t have anything to do with this. unless more context is provided that actually correlated to this specific thread here, then i really don’t get how the other arguments you got into is directly affiliated with our conversation.