I’m in chapter 5. I can’t really hate the gf, yeah it’s bad that she tried to change...

TheGayOne October 14, 2023 4:33 am

I’m in chapter 5. I can’t really hate the gf, yeah it’s bad that she tried to change him because she got tired of him. She should’ve just ended the relationship but I get it. Being in a relationship for a long time and suddenly ur feelings disappear.. it would be hard to break up.

    Konpeko~ October 14, 2023 5:52 am

    Well, it's one thing to fall out of love with someone and no longer feel the spark that you had for them before. It's something completely different if you've got the hots for some different dude while in a committed relationship. And also trying to make your current partner become like the person that you have the hots for.
    Her giving MC the glasses and the shirts isn't for trying to change and spice things up, it's so that she can pretend that she was fucking the guy she had hots for.

    MangaSanctuary October 14, 2023 10:16 am
    Well, it's one thing to fall out of love with someone and no longer feel the spark that you had for them before. It's something completely different if you've got the hots for some different dude while in a co... Konpeko~

    And she stole the clothes of the dude and made her BF wear them during sex :/

    TheGayOne October 15, 2023 1:05 am
    And she stole the clothes of the dude and made her BF wear them during sex :/ MangaSanctuary

    Yeah I just got to that part.. who tf does that what the hell