tbh the story was good but god damn there was so much padding in the middle and i felt like i was reading the same arc over and over again but with different characters, and then all of a sudden at the end it sped up fast. unpopular opinion, but i actually like the authors choice to make takatsuki's character not transition because i feel like a lot of girls go through gender crisis during puberty age but it is disappointing there was no trans guy characters. anyways sasa chan on top periodddd
tbh the story was good but god damn there was so much padding in the middle and i felt like i was reading the same arc over and over again but with different characters, and then all of a sudden at the end it sped up fast. unpopular opinion, but i actually like the authors choice to make takatsuki's character not transition because i feel like a lot of girls go through gender crisis during puberty age but it is disappointing there was no trans guy characters. anyways sasa chan on top periodddd