Heya, would anyone like spoilers as to why ML is like this and why MC is treated horribly?

Eggu_chan October 13, 2023 8:51 pm

Heya, would anyone like spoilers as to why ML is like this and why MC is treated horribly?

    Eggu_chan October 13, 2023 9:45 pm

    Kinda tempted to drop the spoilers in the review section cus im tired typing the same ish over and over again LOL.

    Cid October 13, 2023 10:09 pm
    Kinda tempted to drop the spoilers in the review section cus im tired typing the same ish over and over again LOL. Eggu_chan

    Yes please! I love spoilers! ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Eggu_chan October 13, 2023 10:23 pm
    Yes please! I love spoilers! ヾ(☆▽☆) Cid

    Would you like novel or manwha spoilers? They're very different.

    Cid October 13, 2023 10:47 pm
    Would you like novel or manwha spoilers? They're very different. Eggu_chan

    I read the past comments you commented but is there a new thing happen on the latest update? Or is the novel done already or its still ongoing? (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Eggu_chan October 13, 2023 11:16 pm
    I read the past comments you commented but is there a new thing happen on the latest update? Or is the novel done already or its still ongoing? (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Cid

    Noice, im kinda tired typing the same thing over again LOL

    As for new updates, pretty sure the novel is already completed. Im not finished yet with the novel itself though but i'm getting close to there. I just have a bad habit of picking up new stuff to read.

    DUMMY October 13, 2023 11:47 pm

    I would live spoikees please !!!

    DUMMY October 13, 2023 11:48 pm

    Ut shoul have been love

    Eggu_chan October 14, 2023 12:33 am
    Ut shoul have been love DUMMY

    Okiiieee i'll do my best

    I don't think i've mentioned this spoiler before so here we go. Just a heads up that manwha and novel are very different and what i'm going to tell you is novel spoilers.
    -the "game" world is like, some sort of purgatory hell for souls who have comitted murder in some way in their life. So every NPCs we will see/meet in this story have killed at least one life or more. Doesn't matter if they're good or evil, as long as they've killed, they're trapped in that world.

    -each race have gone through several kings before, our MC isn't even the first king of his kingdom, he is about...40+ or 50th??? Anyways, just know by the time they meet the MC, everyone was tired and just wanted things to get over with cus their kingdom always ended the same way. Either the king didn't like the race cus celestials have a bad reputation for being the bitch of all kingdoms and ditch the game or gets killed into oblivion by all other races.

    -MC was different because he did not give up on them! He kept playing over and over despite his kingdom getting game overed 3 times now. His refusal to give up and overall attitude made a good impression to everyone of his vassals, subjects and the duke(though Duke is the usual emotionally constipated ML)

    -so, I should mention by now that EVERY duke in the game has a dream of their IDEAL king. Though i'd say, it's less of a dream and more like..a premonition of their soulmate king. Idk the perfect way to describe it, just know that top players i the game are in some way the closest to the ideal for the Dukes. MC however, his Duke pretty much believes he is THE king he sees in his premonitions.

    -So that's why, when MC quit the game. It spelled doom for everyone to the kingdom. Let me say these again, these aren't game NPCs, these are souls stuck in purgatory and lived serveral lives over and over again and those lives is always them getting bitched around by other races.


    -ok, so WHY did MC quit the game in the first place? Well, there's this "check affection levels" mechanic in the game, im pretty sure it's not just MC who has this but with each new start of the game, MC used this mechanic to check the Duke's affection levels for him. At first it was meh, 2nd, he was neutral and 3rd MC was getting close to having the Duke open up to him.

    -around third start, his Vasslas and subjects LOVE the MC, MC has a skill that revolves in boosting stats and healing based on how much he loves or trusts that vassals/duke. So his love for them was genuine and that love was given back to him in kind by his vassals. As I said though, Duke is emotionally constipated so yah LOL.

    -it doesn't help them much though cus they still get beaten the living daylights out of them and it always hurts MC to see his Vassals return injured or die. So in the third try, MC uses a potion(i think he found it in the tower, it's the same potion he uses in chapter 9 of the manwha btw!!) That can change/make their race stronger.

    -MC's reason was that he didn't want his vassals to keep dying or keep hurting anymore, he is seriously emotionally attatched to every single one of them(and this was before he knew that they weren't just pixels and code. They were real beings i repeat). His love for them was real and with that reason, he was intent on using the potion on the Duke AND himself.

    -ok, so as we saw in chapter 9 of the manwha, the transformation is very very painful that you'd rather die than endure. So remember, MC used that potion on the Duke and if the Duke changes, his vassals and subjects of the same race will change together with the Duke...Every single one of those beings felt the pain together...and ALL those pain and suffering transferred BACK to the Duke, which essentially multiplied his suffering hy the hundreds.

    -it wasn't till MC took the potion himself(as seen in chapter 9) that he realized how much pain and suffering everyone went through due to that single decision. It pretty much destroyed all of the effort MC gave to love and raise the affection of his vassals/subjects. Infact, the affection levels were so BAD that one of his vassals, well known for assassinating previous kings for tyranny almost assassinated MC...

    -if it weren't for the Duke however, MC would have died and that potion would have been for nothing.

    -As i said, MC is THE ideal king in the Duke's premonition so he doesn't want to abandon/give up on the MC at all so even after that torture he went through, the Duke doesn't kill the MC to end it all.

    -So, in the 4th try of the game(which is MC's final try and the current kingdom we see now), MC once again worked hard to gain back every single one lf his subjects' trust back(which were in the negatives) over time, it worked out(and we also find out that he meets his final and most strongest vassal, the blue haired knight in the 4th iteration so his opinion of the MC is pure and he doesn't understand why some of the Vassals/subjects have distrust over the MC) and all is good and well!

    -their Kingdom is THRIVING, they are the number 1 kingdom in the whole world and they are WAY ahead of the top gamers in the tower. MC is in 10+ floors lead. His kingdom is in 80+ floors cleared while the 2nd top kingdom(which is glasses dude, sry spoilers) is only aroumd 70+ and these top kingdoms are stuck there for months while MC is strolling.

    -So...ok, this is the best part...after all the progress and MC finally gaining back the trust of his vassals/subjects..he finally finds the courage to check the affection level of the Duke...and the Duke said. "I hate you" with such vitriol, MC pretty much reeled from the screen. As i said, MC is VERY attatched to every single one of these "pixels" and his love his genuine. Those 3 words broke MC's heart and he ended up quitting the game.


    -anyways, there's a reason why the game masters intervened like that. MC basically fucked up the balance and that imbalance almost destroyed the world. The GMs were hoping that other players would be able to keep up to MC's level while MC and his kingdom were down but did not expect for MC to straight up quit and how incompetent other kingdoms are...

    -anyways, yeah. MC quitting the game was thought as abandonment by his vassals and subjects all those negative emotions pooled into the Duke which fucking messed with his brains. HOWEVER, MC is his ideal king(the king seen in the premonition of the dukes' are VERY important) and what resulted in the 4th try is THE ideal kingdom so the Duke did not give up.

    -MC leaving seriously stagnated the kingdom's growth however, Duke refused to advance in the tower but he kept protecting the kingdom from would be invaders cus time kept going in the game.

    I wanna type more but this is turning into an essay lol. Lemme know if you want to know more

    DUMMY October 14, 2023 1:21 am

    Uaaaau you explain it so well an so nice i love it!!! I was laughing so hard on this par "(though Duke is the usual emotionally constipated ML)" :D
    Now that you have explained everything makes si much more sense. I am really mad at this administrator grrrrrrr, he did so wrong and on top of it he messed up, o my.....
    I would love to here mire if you have the time i really enjoyed reading and thank you so much for sharing

    Eggu_chan October 14, 2023 2:20 am
    Uaaaau you explain it so well an so nice i love it!!! I was laughing so hard on this par "(though Duke is the usual emotionally constipated ML)" :DNow that you have explained everything makes si much more sens... DUMMY

    Glad i could help! I'll see what else i can write

    -so, this is a novel thing only cus they completely skipped it over in the manwha but in chapter 1, all of the players(even those who quit the game) were sucked into the "game" world and are introduced to the GM in this white/blue room full of mirrors. Those mirrors are actually portals to each player kingdoms.

    -GM gives the players an option, walk into the mirror leading to their kingdom, walk into another mirror to start over or stay in the room and disappear into nothingness. So one rando toughens up and steps into the mirror leading to his kingdom and the players are shown a bloodbath where that player was brutally killed by his duke and vassals. Essentially a double suicide cus a dead king means no more kingdom.

    -the GM laughs and says after that those who lead their kingdoms in tyranny may or may not find a nice surprise greeting them when they go back to the kingdom. A sort of messed up warning.

    -the players reel, some players take the chance to step thru the mirror and meet their doom or run away to other mirrors. Our MC thought about the whole potion incident and how the Duke said I hate you to him before he quit so he deemed that as "tyranny" and grouped together with a bunch of other korean players and followed the monkey dude who saud he has experience in leading a kingdom so can take them in as secondary citizens pr something(or refugee is probs the right word?)

    -anyways, there's an awakening ritual where players will turn into their species. MC and a few players hiding their identity chose to delay their transformation cus they said that it would allow their Dukes to track them down. MC was the last one to awaken cus he really did not want to go back. It wasn't till he had no choice but to awaken that a week later, his Duke found him(also cus he snuck into his kingdom via the mirror portal to steal an elexir from the king's treasury. He needed it to heal one of the youngest players in their group that he grew very close to. All that sneaking alerted everyone and duke)

    -soo--MC finally gave in and decided to go back to his kingdom after talking with other the players made him realize that all the running away made him feel guilty. Also cus the monkey village they were settled in got tossed around from an coup and later an invasion from another kingdom.

    -yada yada. As we can see from the manwha, MC is caught. He doesn't struggle and does not try to escape when he found himself chained im a doorless room(he thinks it's one of the towers). Novel is R15 so none of the rape shid happens but non con touching does. Also, he doesn't struggle much cus in exchange for his capture, he asked the Duke to take in the other players and keep them safely.

    -for a few weeks, duke and the servants try to feed the MC but MC keeps puking out the food not as a way of protesting his confinement and making the duke feel guilty but cus he cannot eat the same food as his people/duke anymore. Remember, they changed race but MC is still the og race so their food is trash for him. Makes him ill.

    -Duke gets all pissed cus as i said, he thinks MC is being a drama queen and drags him outside to show that due to him skipping his meals, ALL of his vassals and servants stopped eating in protest cus THEY think that the Duke is feeding the MC properly. MC clarifies that it was just cus he couldn't the same food as them and they had a heartwarming reunion.

    -time passed as we can see. Due to stuff happening, MC considers taking the potion himself after all the talking with the duke. It really made him feel guilty. Sooo he took the potion(as seen in chapter 9) in front of the duke. He just didn't realize cus he was frailer and weaker than the duke who was able to endure the transformation, he almost died if it weren't for the duke intervening. It was a failed transformation though, about 10%

    -Duke thought MC was trying to commit suicice via the potion and got all pissed off about it. MC assures him that it's not that, it's cus he wants to show the Duke he is serious this time and will never run away again.

    -honestly this huge misunderstanding between them wasn't even either one's fault. MC doesn't figure it out till he goes back to the mirror world multiple times and kept asking questions from the GM. He eventually pieced things together after his talks with the Duke(cus he says things went differently back then and that made MC sus)

    -that whole intervention from the GM really put a strain to their relationship. I forgot to mention in the first spoiler thread that when the game matches you to a species/kingdom. It's cus of your desire as a player and also because the Duke is the same as well. They were bound together cus both MC and Duke were lonely and thirsted for affection and love. As i said, MC isn't the first king of their kingdom so Duke was hella LONELY but kept going to find his ideal king.

    -the whole checking affection thing was messed up. Duke probably thought MC rejected his confession and it lead up the abandonment of their kingdom. It doesn't help all the negative emotions lf his subjects messed him the fuck up. MC meanwhile thought he finally found a family who loves and cares for him but ended up getting destroyed by the supposed rejection.

    -after MC found these out, it took awhile but he finally tells the Duke about what happened. Their relationship was a bit strained but they eventually tried to fix their relationship and MC even gained more freedom as time went on. Even before the revelation, MC did a lot of badass shit(in his own way).

    -just know that the usual M.O. of their kingdom was that the MC was some sort of a puppet king and the Duke was the one who actually did the leading. aka, MC recruited and brought morale/happiness to vassals/subjects while the Duke was the one who took the role in politics/war stuff. So yah. After transmigrating, MC finally started dipping his toes in politics when the Duke slowly started letting him do things by himself.

    -we could've seen it in the manwha cus in the first 20+ chapters in the novel, you could see hints of this when MC took the leadership role and how high his charisma was during the monkey village arc. Manwha wiped that plot out. GONE GONE.

    Kygnis October 14, 2023 2:35 am
    Glad i could help! I'll see what else i can write........-so, this is a novel thing only cus they completely skipped it over in the manwha but in chapter 1, all of the players(even those who quit the game) were... Eggu_chan

    Thank you so much for the spoilers - would you recommend to read the novel instead of the manhwa then? Also did they fix their relationship in the end?

    Eggu_chan October 14, 2023 3:19 am
    Thank you so much for the spoilers - would you recommend to read the novel instead of the manhwa then? Also did they fix their relationship in the end? Kygnis

    Around where im at currently, i'd say they're currently fixing their relationship but i'd say it's more healthy than before. MC still can't figure out what his feelings for ML.

    For the novel, unless you really love isekai and gaming terms/world building. I highly recommend it! You just have to muddle through MTL. I couldn't find any existing fan translation oof. The MTL is pretty bad so you'll have to fill in the gaps of the plot. Really, the only hurdle to loving the novel is the horrible MTL

    DUMMY October 14, 2023 6:37 am

    When i find good manga and there is nivel i try to read it. I really enjoyed sotus if you haven't seen it i recommend it

    Kygnis October 14, 2023 7:44 am
    Around where im at currently, i'd say they're currently fixing their relationship but i'd say it's more healthy than before. MC still can't figure out what his feelings for ML. For the novel, unless you really ... Eggu_chan

    Thank you so much!! I actually wanted to drop the manhwa (I saw the raws) and well, the story just didn't make much sense to me with the rapey stuff and crying lol. But imma read the novel then! Thank you very much. Have a good day (⌒▽⌒)

    Eggu_chan October 14, 2023 8:06 am
    Thank you so much!! I actually wanted to drop the manhwa (I saw the raws) and well, the story just didn't make much sense to me with the rapey stuff and crying lol. But imma read the novel then! Thank you very ... Kygnis

    Oh that's the worst offender for the manwha. Adding the rape made ML look really bad. Like sure, MC had abandoned the kingdom and even tried to run away when he knew that no king means death to his subjects but it doesn't warrant rape as some sort of punishment.

    Tho i know ML groped and touched MC's wings a lot in the novel(wings are uber sensitive and means a lot for the species. One of those parts of the bodies you can only show to a significant other and only they can touch it, tbh MC walking around with his out in the open was scandalous but his vassals doesn't tell him LOL, it wasn't till another celestial player was introduced that us readers finds out thr significance of the wings and MC started questioning why the Duke hyperfocuses on his wings in particular). That was about it, nothing compared to the rape. The groping and wing touching stemmed from ML's hidden affection for the MC, his obsession and also all the fuckery that happened with his head during when MC bounced from the game.

    Todayless October 14, 2023 8:17 am
    Oh that's the worst offender for the manwha. Adding the rape made ML look really bad. Like sure, MC had abandoned the kingdom and even tried to run away when he knew that no king means death to his subjects but... Eggu_chan

    Do you know where i can find the novel?

    Kygnis October 14, 2023 8:28 am
    Oh that's the worst offender for the manwha. Adding the rape made ML look really bad. Like sure, MC had abandoned the kingdom and even tried to run away when he knew that no king means death to his subjects but... Eggu_chan

    Seems like the novel is perfect for me then hehe

    hstb7 November 6, 2023 2:06 am
    Here ya go! You'l have to MTL though https://booktoki306.com/novel/1913643?stx=%ED%94%8C%EB%A0%88%EC%9D%B4%EC%96%B4%EB%A1%9C+%EC%82%B4%EC%95%84%EB%82%A8%EB%8A%94+%EB%B0%A9%EB%B2%95&book=%EC%99%84%EA%B2%B0%E... Eggu_chan

    hi sorry what’s an MTL?

    Eggu_chan November 6, 2023 2:28 am
    hi sorry what’s an MTL? hstb7

    Machine translated. Or well--google translate is a good example. When you open the site on mobile or desktop, there will be a pop up option on the top right asking you if you want to translate the siteto english. If it doesn' pop up, you can manually translate the site by clicking the three dots on the top right and find the translate option