Trial Drama and Joseph Discussion (quite long)

Ayy Fargoo October 13, 2023 7:24 pm

CP Micheal is so handsome and kind, it's a shame he has to deal with this (same goes for Keira) because adults can't be adult. But I do understand Isaac, he wants justice for his sister, I just wish he didn't involve Keira and her mother about her birth when it's the grandfather at fault.
Now about Joseph I wasn't gonna comment on it but I saw so many twist Joseph character on twt and a tiny few on here. Here Joseph is being aggressive, there's no lie there but yall are only thinking of it as jealousy when that is NOT the case.

Joseph is kept in the dark about Keira plans and her fight with Cosette as Keira doesn't want him involved as she does not want him to sacrifice himself as he was willing to do in their first life were he was risking his position and could be considered a traitor for her. (ch.41-43)

So as someone mention, all Joseph has is his suspicions and assumptions. He's being alert as a knight should be for his ladyship. He does not know Erez and is very cautious of him as when they first meet Keira had a negative reaction to Erez (ch.32). Joseph knows his place as he said "I no right to get involved" but he warns Erez that IF (key word IF since he does not know) he's the reason Keira mood was off the past days, he, Joseph, won't stand by. As readers we know and Joseph is correct despite he himself not knowing the full story.

All Joseph is doing is being sure his ladyship is safe. You think he should just ignore what happen that day as a knight?

Also before anyone brings it up, yes part of it could be jealousy, as before Joseph has said he wants to be more helpful, thats were we saw bits of jealousy, so he feels like hes not doing his job, thats why he, according to others, "beg" for Keira to let him be useful to her than relying on someone he's cautious of.
And unlike Erez, Joseph no powers and he is human, with that he shows more emotions than Erez. He acting as anyone should be as a knight and as a human.

    Ayy Fargoo October 13, 2023 7:35 pm

    I apologize if I didn't write things in order and have mistakes. I don't mind others sharing there opinions too but I'm just sick others saying Joseph is only jealous, mad and that he doesn't try when that's it, that's not what's fully happening.

    Also I would give credit to someone kind enough on twt who allowed me to use some of their points, they're not comfortable with putting their @ but they made a nice thread explaining things too.

    Heeheehaha October 13, 2023 8:56 pm

    Thank you for explaining things some readers can miss. Some tend to focus on one part than the overall picture. My friend told me about the twt drama and It makes me sad people made Joseph out as someone who isn't considerate. So it's nice seeing others properly defend him and thank you for defending him without bringing down another character. The fandom has a problem defending one while bringing down another. I also blame the process the author is doing too, she drag it out for far too long and it's causing so much heated tension within the fandom. tt and IG got so much worse since chapter 104.

    Back to the writing process I already see what the author trying do and I don't like it especially how she wrote the beginning of Joseph to now, I could go on for hours pinpointing but honestly it's no use seeing how much change the author did (not necessarily in a good way)

    Itasakumiamor October 17, 2023 4:47 pm

    Thanks for sharing your point of view, I never really thought to think of it that way. I'm still sticking with my view that he was being needlessly nosy, but I now understand why it was so.

    Ayy Fargoo October 18, 2023 1:04 am
    Thanks for sharing your point of view, I never really thought to think of it that way. I'm still sticking with my view that he was being needlessly nosy, but I now understand why it was so. Itasakumiamor

    No problem, it's best to always share our thoughts from different perspective. Though maybe being needlessly nosy might help but I won't lie. I do feel like the author gonna take it too far and ruin his character as a knight. Since her direction implies many negative things lately. So I'm not shocked many say what they're saying but at the same time it's frustrating because it also implies thing from past chapters many do no remember which are positive.