Bbg half of the interaction of the hero and mc is making me wanna wish it wasn't pure brom...

Whipanaenae October 13, 2023 4:07 pm

Bbg half of the interaction of the hero and mc is making me wanna wish it wasn't pure bromance cuz i cannot- i know this sounds bad to most people cuz i have never experienced such friendship but my gods these guys be a lil fruity

    DeadLove November 27, 2023 8:12 pm

    I feel like always ends up as just friendship especially if it's not advertised as queer media. It would be be a breathe of fresh air if it wasn't honestly

    Whipanaenae November 28, 2023 6:11 pm

    I agree with u on that but unfortunately i do not know how men friendship works but with how the mangas going i think its safe to say that they're going ti rhe path of friendship