I understand your point. However, what everyone's reactions are is valid since it is due to the fact that what Hoon said is technically could be taken as NOT ABOUT HAEDAM. What he overheard was "I don't have a thing for dudes", something Hoon was forced to say because of the mental pressure that Namu is forcing onto him. Clearly, he only said that because he has not fully came into terms that he likes men. He was practically almost forced to come out when he himself has not realized what he is. Of course he says that because that what he believes it is for him. And to get back to my point, it's not a homophobic statement, it's not directed to Haedam or Nabu or gay people in general. It was a statement about himself, which he was coerced to say as Namu was aggressively pushing him into a corner because of his self-absorbed superiority for "liking Haedam first". What Haedam said, about him overhearing it that lead him to the conclusion to cut off ties with Hoon, may have been a trauma response and defense mechanism, but it doesn't change the fact that it is extremely UNFAIR for Hoon. He's literally all new to this (liking other men), and suddenly his denial became something that broke the friendship he built with his crush. You may be right that we should understand Haedam's part, but you need to consider Hoon's position here. And Namu, whatever his reasons may be, it is still NOT HIS PLACE. If you say this is his attempt to "protect Haedam" it is very ironic because he is literally forcing Hoon to come out (basically admit if he likes Haedam or not). As you said, their country is conservative and does not respond well to gay people, then all the more reason for him not to do that to Hoon. Especially when Haedam was put through a terrifying experience about him, and him potentially being gay as well. It's not just about shipping that people are mad. It's about the unfairness of the situation, and literally Namu's attitude and intervention. After all, Haedam wouldn't have heard Hoon and gotten hurt if it weren't for Namu in the first place.

Also that should prove that your statement, "what he said is stupid", is wrong. Though Haedam did not overhear or witness the whole conversation, and thus did not know how Namu forced this into Hoon, what he overheard should've never be the primary reason of him breaking his ties with Hoon without hearing him out. Just because someone who is close to you says they're not gay, does not mean they are opposed to you. It is that what makes it so unfair. It may have been trauma for Haedam, but it is still wrong for him to do that to Hoon.

yeah sorry, i commented this cuz i got heated when i saw ppl blaming haedam for reacting like that, specially after seeing the back story.
i understand all your points and agree with you, actually on the last chapter i commented something similar to what you said about the conversation hoon and namu had and approached it more maturely
i didn't want to imply hoon was homophobic, i should have worded that better, my bad, it's just that i've experienced how cruel queer people can be to other queer people when they are in the "negation phase" of their queer journey and it's similar to what hoon said, altho in this case it wasn't directed at haedam per se.
anyway, sorry again
this should be obvious but ppl it is actually hard to trust others after you've being outed against your will and made fun of, remember they are in a country where they can't be proud in the open about their sexuality and that's why haedam prefers to cut ties before getting hurt and doesn't even want to hear what hoon has to say bc honestly he said some pretty dumb stuff; and that's why namu is also overprotective, whether he has actually feelings for haedam or not he is still his friend and must have also received bullying for just being with him
if you don't know how it feels then don't be mean just cuz your ship isn't sailing