Yeah :( it made me cry too. I’m glad he got his closure. There is still more to come. I read the raws using google translate and the two side stories are awesome, after amnesia episode, their son lenoc has a cute chapter!
I’m excited about the next world, where Klopp remembers and Aeroc doesn’t. And the If stories! I wish there was more… I really wanted to see them get married in the second world even a small one in the estate. It would have been cute!
You need an account in novelupdates or you can’t click the chapters
Oooh! That makes sense! I will create an account. Thank you! Yes! While holding his little sister! I’m so happy that Aeroc is happy! I can’t wait for Kloff regression! I hope he feels immense sadness and regret for what he did, just as Aeroc did! Aeroc was willing to pay the price and let him go in his regression to see him happy, even if it meant he wouldn’t be happy.
Klopp will feel immense sadness and regret, that I can tell you! It’s going to be a fun arc, it’s has a different appeal from vol 2-3… I can’t wait for it to be translated (google translate murdered me hahahah… but I got the gist of it.)
Aeroc in that world is really really funny!!! The Aeroc before the tragedy… it’s just sad, because he’s really a fun, cute and charming person. But Klopp wasn’t able to see that, he assumed a lot of things about Aeroc, bad things.
Someone might, a lot of folks wanted a world where both the first world, Aeroc and Klopp would met again. And see how it plays out… it’s going to be interesting, but mostly chaotic.
Some are even hoping Aelock finds someone else! Some want Wolflake or just anyone who isn’t Klopp hahahaha I saw someone in the comments having a fic in mind! Hopefully they publish it so we could just read it!
I wanna reeeead!!! Can I get the link pretty, please?! I use Safari to translate novels and Manhwa, which I am too impatient to wait on and Safari has juuust a bit better translation than Google. It even gives you the option of Listening to the novel instead of reading it yourself, and it sounds pretty good until you get to the “sexy time.” That I read myself!
Oh, I just signed up for novelupdates… I am in Novel heaven! I am so happy! Now I can work while listening to Novels!
I thought that’s what would have happened with the regression, that they both would remember, but then I realized it that would simply be a continuation or even worse of the horrible experience Aeroc went through. Ohhhh! Yes! Aeroc/Aelock finds someone else, Reafeal marries someone else, and while Kloff is left with his memories of their past life!
Is this manhwa going to have a season 2? Because I read somewhere that it should come out on the 20th, I don't know if it's true or if I am just imagining things though . If someone knows please tell me, cause I read the novel and I can't wait to see it drawn.