why was my high school life not like this? my college life was nothing but projects. when i started working all i could see were oldies and some adults engaging in extramarital affairs gaaahhhh... why was my previous workplace not this wholesome and cute??? anyway, I'm a freelancer now, so i'm binging on cute love stories on Netflix and youtube hahaha. that's my source of love vitamins coz i'm too awkward to flirt in real life hahaha
oh gosh i totally understand you my hs life was shit none of the guys were as sweet as him and college is even worse all i do is study (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 chlolrine
for real though, college guys were no where as sweet as this babie boi. WHERE ARE MY SEOHYUN-LIKE GUYS AT
why was my high school life not like this? my college life was nothing but projects. when i started working all i could see were oldies and some adults engaging in extramarital affairs gaaahhhh... why was my previous workplace not this wholesome and cute??? anyway, I'm a freelancer now, so i'm binging on cute love stories on Netflix and youtube hahaha. that's my source of love vitamins coz i'm too awkward to flirt in real life hahaha