Yes. But still they would be the first suspects. Remember in ML's case the female doctor or whatever was brought into investigation because she was around their house when the family was murdered. she was cleared but judging by ML's attitude I think he's not buying it. Sorry, I just finished watching a docu about murder using poison, so I'm feeling a bit hyped. Lol.

Even if they are suspects that doesn’t mean that they will automatically be arrested or anything. People would just be like that’s suspicious. Plus if they run away, even if caught they could just say that they were being abused and with all the chaos they figured it was perfect chance to slip away. Idk maybe because I read so much and love a good story I’m a better liar, but if it’s having your sister be assaulted and living with an abuser while being threatened or just going on the run. I know what o would do. …..anyways drop the docu I’m curious.
I see in the comments everyone’s talking about how she either should have killed the Duke as soon as she could or asked him to help her early on. Personally I think she should have used her poison and poisoned that whole family with her blood (wife, husband, every maid, spare no one) the night she found her sister assaulted instead of making deals and literally killing everyone but the one in the wrong. Like you could easily poison him (you were basically a maid some I’m sure you had means) or left your sister with poison to defend herself with. Like yikes you need some random man to come save you because you’re too busy thinking about romance than trying to help your sister escape. You left her there by herself with him for 3 months. Yeah.. no. Dislikable character and def no character development.