jojo October 12, 2023 7:19 am
they actually block people that have a different opinion than them so if you dont agree you are blocked :).
their logic not mine ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
FALSE! Why is she talking about them? What is lying about them?
jojo October 12, 2023 9:20 am
i dont have any friends here ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
also i am not insulting anyone just saying whats going on here, i talkek to them without calling them names but they kept calling me names so what do expect me to do to say thank and move on ...also i blocked them cause i dont wanna have to deal with your group comming at me whenever i comment something here, just because i want my peace doesnt make me a "coward" especially on a illegal site that has porn and other stuff.
FALSE! jojo keeps come after them. she keeps talking about them. she keeps provoking them. She keeps lying about them. She keeps lying about what happen
jojo October 12, 2023 9:25 am
also your friend group blocks left and right whenever someones disagrees with them and call them troll.
also of course everyone is making fun of them cause they over react over some comment that happened 4 moths ago and that for me is childish, immature.
jojo October 12, 2023 9:56 am
you mean the thing that you are doing to me right now this kind of gang ?
btw what a gogole?
jojo October 12, 2023 9:57 am
its was useless from the begining
why even reply to my comment whe i wanst even replying to you? what a joke you guys are ( ̄∇ ̄")
jojo October 12, 2023 4:21 pm
I am not starting a whole post to hate on people telling that to diamonds it's not cool also I didn't disagree with you guys on the subject that jk is not a rapist I agreed with you guys.
I seriously followed because I agreed with your statement there or else I wouldn't, but then you misunderstood something I said and called me a hater, and this has been going on for a week now.
What Dimond is doing at the moment is called bullying users here I didn't go out of my way to make a post about you guys. so teach him some manners
FALSE!!!!! IT IS STANDING UP TO BULLYISM. IT IS TO BRING AWARENESS! I SAY NOTHING BAD ABOUT JOJO. I DID NOT INSULT. I did not put her down or anything. I said she followed him to turn around to unfollow him to start harassing him. He has said to leave him alone and has not talk to him. We have left her alone. But she in multiple threads keeps talking about them with lies. What she is doing is not cool. I am standing up so she will STOP. THEY called called her actions a hater because how it followed a patterned and she followed the patterns afterwards. They have stopped. Jojo has keep it going. Tmsm and tora has actively avoid topics with her in them. This is not bullying. This is standing up the right way to bullying. This is telling Jojo to stop. Since leave me alone and Tmsmyz hostile reply did not work. Since Tora's replies did not work. Since my replies did not work. Jojo STOP BULLYING TMSMYZ and playing victim where do I bully jojo here? Facts don't bully. She needs to see what she is doing. I think they do have a snapshot of what Tora said. I will post that next if Jojo's continue to say they called her a hater or a coward. Jojo knows they did not.

Cyberbullying is never childish. Stop being childish and heartless. This is not fighting either. IT IS STANDING UP TO A CYBERBULLY!!!!!!
Twitter doesn't exist anymore. Does your moral and values? Does your compassion? How are you offended here?
If you had compassion you should be supporting this. If you care you should be supporting this. Grow a heart, bro.

If you had compassion you should be supporting this. If you care you should be supporting this.
This is standing up to someone cyberbullying someone. If you are offended grow a heart.
I don't attack Jojo. I don't bully Jojo. I just stated facts of her bullying Tmsm and Tora who asked her to leave them alone. She does not and just lies about them. She has seen the right information many times but still lies. She provoked this. This is standing up to stop the her bullying them.

Ha the Jojo gogole again...
I'm with you here, Morning, even though we may not share the same exact POV about Jinx or other topics. I just find these people incredibly RUDE and insulting, what is the need to speak like the way they do? I had let them know my opinion about them and now they're still here calling me, lol. They complain they're getting blocked, but they block you too even before you notice.
This had become a dialogue of deaf.
That's good that you're so supportive of your friends, but don't waste too much your energy with these persons, they don't deserve your precious time. Say what you have to say and if they start to use slurs, just go your way.

MangaS.. Thanks for your support. I don't know why they have to speak that way or continue to harass Tmsmyz and Tora on their lies. I am hoping this will stop it. I am not attacking them.
This has always been a dialogue of deaf on their part. They never listened to Tmsm or Tora. Tora and Tmsm has been trying to go their own way but they won't stop. I am here to curve it? I know I can't stop it but at least now people who cares will see the truth in this matter. Jojo would keep spread lies and defaming them. Now this link can be shared.
What gets me Rose says on the 10/9 they were defending her. Jojo makes Rose, a comment just hours ago. A dialogue of deaf.
I seen where. July 28, 2023 1:51 pm
Tmsm saying "Beloved Rose = doesn’t
Tora = neutral
Mi Amore = I have not read her opinion."
He does not say his view but he will say it is dull later to he does like but it is still dull. Mi Amore says she is disappointed. I never stated. The others we all have the same view.
They are defending people. but the others say they are defending the story.
They are defending people and being forced into a pov or be something negative. The others say it's a pov vs pov argument. Their attacks on them are disagreements or opinions. They are blocking because of disagreements but they are blocking for how they are treated.
It has been a dialogue of deaf since day one but not on tmsm, tora, rose, and others behalf. It is the opposite sides that is laughing at them but I think they should laugh at their selves. It is dense to not understand tmsm or Tora by now and not see they have ganged up on one person or two at times, who is/are harmless.

Standing up to bully-ism the right way. Stop normalizing cyber bullying.
She will not leave them alone and stills lying about them. She was lying in that post. They want nothing to do with her. We would be supporting you if this was you.
You go touch grass and maybe you learn this is not cool. You are in the wrong. She is in the wrong. He will post the DMs to should she is lying. She is defaming them.

No. We repeatedly tell them to leave us alone and they don't. This is us standing up. You go tell them to stfu and leave us alone or mind your business.
This is a community for all and they should not be silencing voices or cyberbullying us. If this was reversed we would be supporting you standing up to people harassing you. So, mind you business. Don't mind the block. Morning Diamonds blocks people like you.

This is so funny!!! So Jojo lied and posted a link to this. Each time this gets a stupid comment, this comes up to the first page. But if she left it only it would have been buried and no one else would have seen it.
Now she exposes the truth to many people even good-faith people to see how she is torturing him still.
She is still harassing him. "Tmsmzy was clear 10/7 to leave him alone" He has not even mentioned her. She was forgotten. She is obsessed. lol He has not even posted here. lol 10/12 I made this and she is still at it 10/15.
Maybe let's ignore the stupid comments as the trolls get blocked but laugh each time because they expose the truth to more people. Jojo is an attention seeker.

Bump. https://mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14772256/
jojo November 12, 2023 8:10 pm
lets stop feeding them attention thats what they looking for, or else they would have made a topic where they discuss about the manga.
jojo November 12, 2023 8:10 pm
We don't want the attention. Jojo wants the attention. It is has been over a month. She can't stop stalking them.
She just exposed the trolls as many of their topics are attacking us. They are attention-seeking and we are countering their filthy lies from their fucked up minds.

TM made a comment to this debunked stunt. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14647052/?page=3
She is trying to talk to him
jojo November 12, 2023 6:47 am
why f are you commenting on something that happened almost a month ago ? just move on and stop coming back just for conflicts.
Who is attention seeking? It is not TM he did not reply back He left his page when Jojo came.
About that Jojo…. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14593339/
“jojo October 12, 2023 7:19 am
they actually block people that have a different opinion than them so if you dont agree you are blocked :).
their logic not mine ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
That is Jojo logic or the haters logic. They have repeatedly said they block bad-faith actors. If you insult them or use ad hominem attacks instead of having a civil conversation with them, you will be blocked.
Jojo’s next comment is long. Tora did not call her a name. IT WAS ON HER WORDS AND ACTIONS. She has insulted them many times. They are not a group or a cult. Most of the time this page deals with Tmsmyz. You gang up on him. You mock him but should you be mocking yourself for being so dense? How many times does he have to say something before you understand it?
Jojo, she is upset at her actions being called a coward, has she looked at what Tmsmyz has been called? He shakes it off but stands up to the attack. Because the words are not true. If the word is bothering her that was most likely aimed at her actions instead of aiming at her person like the insults he receives are, is it true??
Next comment they call someone’s words or actions a troll. They get called many things on their person and brush off the words. It seems to me Tmsmyz should be making a ruckus on being called a loser and more than Jojo who’s actions were called being a troll.
Jojo continues to lie. They are not overreacting. They are not overreacting to some comment from 4 months ago. June was a mistake. It was July. It was not a comment. It was the attack on a rape survivor to false information that was spread that gets them attacked since then. This is serious. It is not childish or immature. If you are laughing at them you are childish and immature. You are heartless too. Most of you are unwilling to listen to them and they have been saying the same thing since the beginning.
Jojo has been lying.
Tmsmyz topic https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14230866/
Jojo says “so i started following you after i read thw whole thing and i couldnt agree more with you. i though i was being crazy when i was stating facts and their only reply was that i am delusional and defenting the abuser. you stated it perfectly !!!!”
October 2 Jojo will deny there are haters on this page and Tmsm is deep in whatever. It is not gonna to work for them. This is on a deleted topic and I am writing from a snapshot. I can post it.
Mi Amore makes the Topic where Jojo comments on it. Mi Amore is talking about the harassment on Tmsmyz
Now another Topic https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14433701/
Jojo sees Tora telling HELPMELMAO “I don’t value your opinion. Stop stalking us HELPMELMAO”
Then Mi Amore saying “HELPMELMAO is a scary person. They told my friend (TMSM) to go kill himself twice now. HELPMELMAO needs their account restricted. HELPMELMAO has been told to leave them alone many times but HELPMELMAO is harassing them. That is why HELPMELMAO came to your comment to harass Tora. HELPMELMAO is the one keeping tabs on them.”
Jojo says “nowadays people leave comment so randomly that it doesnt even have to do with the manga. so yea you cant trust the comments anymore.”
Cant trust followers either…… she knows tmsmyz has been harassed. She knew they wanted to harassers to leave them alone. They don't want to be heard. They are standing up against the abuse they get so they can enjoy the story in peace and help others. She has the audacity to ask why do you want to be heard. When Tora says he is not going to answer because they don't want to be heard. She has the audacity to say triggered him to not answer. How??
I shared research and now according to Godfather and ayvan, I am girl who loves rape stories when I never shared my views or my view on Jinx. I am a man that has been shared a few times. I am an exterior view who is friends with Tora. They never deserve this. No one deserves this. They are not toys.
Jojo stops following Tmsmyz to join the real "cult" to lie about him. That is why Jojo has been blocked the harassment.
There are three deleted topics
Jojo will not leave them alone. They want nothing to do with Jojo. Tmsmzy was clear 10/7 to leave him alone and she is here lying and still harassing him on 10/12. I was clear. Tora was clear. Tora even mentions it on a different topic on 10/9. "He left as he has no desire to deal with people lying and cyber bullying him. Since Jojo is here, he definitely will not be back. He wants nothing to do with Jojo" We have not spoken about Jojo since. She writes 5 comments lying about them.