
seluhaen November 23, 2016 11:09 am

I was wondering what the frst couple reminds me of. Its yiri and victor lmao hahahhahahaha idk they gave me that vibe xD

    Yashiro December 12, 2016 6:22 am

    yiri x'D nicee

    seluhaen December 12, 2016 7:14 am
    yiri x'D nicee Yashiro

    Omg pls slap me xD bad finger!

    Yashiro December 12, 2016 1:16 pm
    Omg pls slap me xD bad finger! seluhaen

    its okay, u cracked me up so bad. now i might start to see YOI as viktor x yiri xD

    seluhaen December 12, 2016 3:32 pm
    its okay, u cracked me up so bad. now i might start to see YOI as viktor x yiri xD Yashiro

    NoooooOoOooo xD i destroyed the ship lmao

    RinRin December 23, 2016 12:24 am

    And the second seme is otabek

    sofiah January 5, 2017 1:16 pm
    its okay, u cracked me up so bad. now i might start to see YOI as viktor x yiri xD Yashiro

    I can't help but hahaha, I really laugh at this comment. Victor x Yiri=皿=

    Yashiro January 5, 2017 4:26 pm
    I can't help but hahaha, I really laugh at this comment. Victor x Yiri=皿= sofiah

    ikrrrr x'D imagine kubo-san was drunk while animating yuri on ice, and accidentally renamed yuri to YIRI XD BAHAHAHAHA

    sofiah January 5, 2017 9:53 pm
    ikrrrr x'D imagine kubo-san was drunk while animating yuri on ice, and accidentally renamed yuri to YIRI XD BAHAHAHAHA Yashiro

    haha, true! I'm still cracking up now...oh, no offense with seluhaen though..."yiri" just amused meY(^_^)Y

    Yashiro January 6, 2017 4:11 am
    haha, true! I'm still cracking up now...oh, no offense with seluhaen though..."yiri" just amused meY(^_^)Y sofiah

    i agree!!! vvbb no hard feelings, just laughing around

    seluhaen January 6, 2017 6:04 am

    Omg im gonna dig a hole fr my finger to just hide pls

    Yashiro January 6, 2017 10:56 am
    Omg im gonna dig a hole fr my finger to just hide pls seluhaen

    gomen if you feel hurt or smth cuz of this ;-; didnt mean to..

    seluhaen January 6, 2017 12:05 pm

    XDDDDD LOLOL its fineeeee ITS JUST OMG im so embarrased and this cmment is on november tooooo xDD

    sofiah January 6, 2017 1:12 pm
    XDDDDD LOLOL its fineeeee ITS JUST OMG im so embarrased and this cmment is on november tooooo xDD seluhaen

    pardon us if we become annoying, its just that when I've finished reading this I accidentally read the name "yiri" so I got curious and then that....sorry,

    seluhaen January 6, 2017 3:35 pm
    pardon us if we become annoying, its just that when I've finished reading this I accidentally read the name "yiri" so I got curious and then that....sorry, sofiah

    nonono you guys arent annoying im just so shy ;;;;;;; its okayyyyy dont say sorryy (tho you already did hah) its nothing big xD

    Yashiro January 7, 2017 7:15 am
    nonono you guys arent annoying im just so shy ;;;;;;; its okayyyyy dont say sorryy (tho you already did hah) its nothing big xD seluhaen

    T3T Okayyyy vvb all is well, ends well vvb

    Tiger Rao January 12, 2017 3:54 am

    You made my day (≧∀≦)

    Dechu January 16, 2017 5:52 pm

    Omg this is hilarious XD

    seluhaen January 16, 2017 10:33 pm
    Omg this is hilarious XD Dechu

    XDDD IM HONORED hahaha

    JenJenLovesYaoi May 12, 2017 4:51 am

    O M G i am sooo glad somebody else seen it too! hahaha I so was thinking of them the WHOLE time hehehe <3

    JenJenLovesYaoi May 12, 2017 4:52 am

    I think we have the YOI disease,there is no cure,we will always see them in everything XD ahhhh its ok ill live with this sickness! hahaha its pretty bad though...