I can't be the only one right? (karasuma / sumi rant)

insanity_me October 12, 2023 5:16 am

personally I could never get over sumi telling karasuma that he was lucky someone could ever love him just cause he slept around. It would be one thing if karasuma was a useless and unqualified person that just slept around to keep his position but in reality it had been pointed out several times that he's an skilled and accomplished employee
but he soon realized just how bad and sneaky the work world he was entering was so he did what he thought he needed to do survive in that work enviroment as an omega when talent and hardwork wouldn't allow him to escape that label even if it was collaterally self destructive.
it's remarkably more bitchy since karasuma was never hostile towards sumi, helped him out and even recognize his talent as an employee but sumi just degrades him at any chance he gets (I'm not dismissing his trauma btw but still that's a coworker you're berating on the first meeting)
what pains me even more is how much karasuma also believes the same and doesn't fight him on it. He's so submissive and just plain at peace and content with his mate and healthier life choices that he just doesn't want sumi to get dragged in his past and then he's just met with such nasty words. I don't care if this is supposed to be the "better" story because the bottom wasn't a quote and quote "slut"
your sexual history DOES NOT determine your worth as a person. Sorry if society has made you think otherwise
......unless you're a pedophile, if so burn in HELL

    azrael May 29, 2024 3:20 pm

    ya I got pissed when Sumi brought that up to karasuma IN HIS FACE at their FIRST MEETING, and thinking about how karasuma felt at that moment thinking that sumi wasn't wrong crushes me, since his self worth must've taken a hit, considering how the other employees must know about these..."events", the environment is toxic af man