spoilers from ch 43

soyeise October 11, 2023 8:11 pm

OK SO FROM MY PREVIOUS POST ABOUT "RED EYED GHOST"... it wasnt that entity lol

so if anyone saw my post, i stated that in ch 42 the "red eyed ghost" was the one who possessed the body of the manager. it wasn't lol but the eye color threw me off as everyone was idk why the author just won't stick to ONE EYE COLOR LIKE GOD! anyways the ghost who possessed the manager is the our ghost (the one who r@ped kiyoon) since he actually has the golden eyes. in ch 43 we actually see his TRUE FORM and omfg he's motherfucking hot ngl bro is beautiful.. he also shows fragments of his past but unclear still he looks to be from the ancient times of korea.

the reason why his eyes were red probs cuz he was angry that kiyoon referred to him as the manager which he despises so much lol

    somebodyudontknow October 14, 2023 12:25 am

    Where did u read chapter 42? Can u send me the link?

    somebodyudontknow October 14, 2023 12:26 am

    If youre saying the ghost true form is hot i cannot wait to see him then lmao

    Undertakecare October 14, 2023 3:05 am

    I think so too. In ch38 the ghost that appeared behind MC is also had red eye but came out it was our golden eyed ghost. So color of the eye cannot let us identify the ghost in some situation.