that’s it im team professor

sneku-kun October 11, 2023 5:27 pm

I DONT CARE IF THE BLONDIE IS HOT ASF AND HAD LIKED HIM FOR YEARS NOR DO I CARE IF THE PROFESSOR IS PLAYING WITH HIM, the professor gave him the option to choose helloo????? this should be the bare minimum irl but in bl world?? heck that’s a lot with all the rapey shit that has been normalized HE was SOOO RESPECTFUL AND HOT see blondie you can do it but noooo you get jelly acting like you’re dating wooju when you can’t even properly confess nor express your nonsexual thoughts

    katueeeee October 11, 2023 7:04 pm

    respectfully idgaf about any other thing you mentioned, BUT THE PROFESSOR WAS "SOOO RESPECTFUL AND HOT" yes he was hot sure, BUT EXCUSE ME RESPECTFUL??? do you not know that what he did was giving him the illusion of having a choice, also in the first place it's already wrong to make the beta go to his HOUSE, ALONE when he knows he's on rut like make it make sense

    sneku-kun October 11, 2023 7:18 pm
    respectfully idgaf about any other thing you mentioned, BUT THE PROFESSOR WAS "SOOO RESPECTFUL AND HOT" yes he was hot sure, BUT EXCUSE ME RESPECTFUL??? do you not know that what he did was giving him the illus... katueeeee

    oh i thought he was just teasing him n being silly i def did not know it was an illusion bc he alr has a partner n mc got away n my silly stupid 3am brain was like oh wow hes nice n knows consent

    sneku-kun October 11, 2023 7:20 pm

    + my bad

    PurpleHeart October 12, 2023 5:08 am
    respectfully idgaf about any other thing you mentioned, BUT THE PROFESSOR WAS "SOOO RESPECTFUL AND HOT" yes he was hot sure, BUT EXCUSE ME RESPECTFUL??? do you not know that what he did was giving him the illus... katueeeee

    So true... I feel like some people forget that Sunjoon created this whole situation anyway! But yeah... Sunjoon at least didn't force his way on Wooju. And I hope Jiheon would also do the same in the next chapter !
    But Wooju is also dumb for coming alone at an alpha's house in rut.
    Come on Wooju knew that Sunjoon was in rut but he decided to go anyway... Yeah he's a beta so something like rut, heat and all of the basics of Omegaverse is foreign to him. However Wooju should know what a rut is... because doesn't he have a close friend that appears to be an alpha ? What was his name again...? Oh yeah... Jiheon !
    I don't buy your excuses... Wooju. If you are interested physically by your boss/professor just say it because it's really becoming annoying.
    Maybe Sunjoon created the situation but the MC just walk through Sunjoon's plan like a goddamned oblivious stupid brainless idiot that he is!
    Wooju is so frustrating... Sunjoon is a sly manipulative and unprofessional alpha and Jiheon is beyond words... I need someone to slap Jiheon on the face to wake him up from his delusional mind.

    Nyxsignedin October 12, 2023 6:14 am
    respectfully idgaf about any other thing you mentioned, BUT THE PROFESSOR WAS "SOOO RESPECTFUL AND HOT" yes he was hot sure, BUT EXCUSE ME RESPECTFUL??? do you not know that what he did was giving him the illus... katueeeee

    Say it!!!

    Nyxsignedin October 12, 2023 6:15 am
    So true... I feel like some people forget that Sunjoon created this whole situation anyway! But yeah... Sunjoon at least didn't force his way on Wooju. And I hope Jiheon would also do the same in the next chapt... PurpleHeart

    Thank you

    PurpleHeart October 13, 2023 3:27 am
    Thank you Nyxsignedin

    You're welcome