Introducing Asian culture

Scaramouche gf October 11, 2023 12:18 pm

I'm starting to believe that Muqing is an illegitimate child in their family lmao. Anyway I hate how stereotypical the Asian culture as a part of the "Asian" community, how women should be the ones take care of the children while the Men do the work it's been like that for the past generation to generations, but I'd never grown in that kind of community since both of my parents work together and do each other household chores. But the way the mom acts is inappropriate if it's in a social gathering in Asian culture like a family reunion and if one of your aunts/uncle, bring their gf/bf to introduce it to the whole family this is exactly what happens in the family gather which is really toxic. I hate how the mom always caught off Muqing when he went to speak up for himself and our girl, it seems like Muqing's mom just wants our girl to pop out one of many babies like a goddamn rabbit. I understand how Muqing is having a hard time speaking up for himself, since in Asian culture children are being taught not to speak of their elders since it is a sign of being disrespectful. And Muqing knows how his mom acts inappropriately, I know Muqing is afraid to speak up for himself but he can just put his mom in the right place and in a good manner and stand up for his opinion, but still, he should be brave like if you really like your girl put that person in the right place especially if that person is disrespecting your partner even it's your parent.
