Why do I hate myself

_uwu_senpai October 11, 2023 11:37 am

I don't get why I keep reading this when it makes me so upset . I guess I'm still hoping for the best for Dan

Also I have read some manhwa/manga/books with this kind of trope (I tend to avoid them cause they're so bad), some more extreme and some less. I don't know if it's because I'm the kind of person to hold grudges, but I never understand how when the abused character falls in love with their abuser, even after a "redemption arc" (which is bs I hate those) they just forget everything that has been done/said to them.

I'm not sure that's how human beings work cause if someone gets in a relationship with a past abuser, how could they ever forget the degradation and humiliation they made them go through? That is NOT a healthy relationship.

Yes, it's just fiction but arghh pisses me off. Okay my ranting is over. Coming back after 6 months again as usual.

    BL Army October 11, 2023 2:54 pm

    Well if it makes you feel any better then....it's very rare that this happens in reality...because no one can forget the abuse and trauma one caused them......well there are exceptions tho....because love make them so blimd that they end up giving their abuser a second chance and sometimes they change and are more careful in the future and treat their partner better for the rest of their life (this situation is very very rare....almost non existent)....most of the time they get hurt again and are so broken that they either become cold and leave the relationship or just leave the world.....sad truth

    Koybito October 11, 2023 10:43 pm
    Well if it makes you feel any better then....it's very rare that this happens in reality...because no one can forget the abuse and trauma one caused them......well there are exceptions tho....because love make ... BL Army

    In terms of DV relationships, statistics show it actually isn’t that rare to stay with your abuser. And if someone does decide to leave, studies show it takes an average of 7 times for someone to leave before they decide to stay away. The cycle of violence has periods of calm, and that’s what keeps people around. Not to mention the financial control often present in DV relationships (I’m looking at you, Doc Dan).
    I say this because it can be hurtful for someone to see another saying “it’s very rare for this to happen in reality.” It really is NOT rare at all.

    BL Army October 12, 2023 9:33 am
    In terms of DV relationships, statistics show it actually isn’t that rare to stay with your abuser. And if someone does decide to leave, studies show it takes an average of 7 times for someone to leave before... Koybito

    Damn....I didn't know it was this common...well that's too bad I hope if they are staying with their abuser the abuser has a change of heart and treats them well.... This manhwa has reality in it.....I guess people who are upset wanted it to be a fantasy? I don't know why they are calling it rape....like it is SA but not rape.....Doc Dan can't leave and is actually in an agreement....so it's kinda like Sexual Harrassment.....I searched and this suits this manhwa perfectly....Well they can call it rape because it's their opinion and their pov.....But to me rape is something worse more like the worst.....

    Koybito October 12, 2023 1:31 pm
    Damn....I didn't know it was this common...well that's too bad I hope if they are staying with their abuser the abuser has a change of heart and treats them well.... This manhwa has reality in it.....I guess pe... BL Army

    I agree that what JK is doing isn’t rape. It’s certainly toxic and I’m hoping he starts to change sooner rather than latter. But I imagine he is someone who has always gotten what he wants, when he wants it. And he is someone that wants rough sex (like the doctor said way back when he came to check out Dan) and he thinks “I’m paying Dan for this so that’s that.” He also thinks Dan is more experienced than he actually was.
    But he seems to be a bit more into getting Dan to enjoy it recently, so I’m hoping the change of heart is coming!

    _uwu_senpai October 13, 2023 4:19 am
    Well if it makes you feel any better then....it's very rare that this happens in reality...because no one can forget the abuse and trauma one caused them......well there are exceptions tho....because love make ... BL Army

    Thank you, it does make me feel better knowing that real people are not actually that dumb.