
_uwu_senpai October 11, 2023 10:09 am

Chapter 28

"The more time goes by the more I can't control my body....and my feelings"

What feelings now Doc Dan?? Stockholm Syndrome???

I'm such a hate watcher I can't even let this shit go I'm tireeeed. I hat this trop with all my being. Manhwa authors seem not to know how to write. This shit ain't enemies to lovers, it's rapist-victim to lovers.
I sincerely hope I'm wrong and that they don't get together and that Jaekyung dies in a hell fire or of brain hemorrhage after being knocked during a fight so Dan has no one to be in debt to forever. Amen.

    Morning Diamonds October 13, 2023 4:43 pm


    TM SM, Tora, and I can talk to Manga Sanctuary in an open civil conversation.
    TM SM. Tora, and I can talk to Toilet in an open civil conversation. VANILLA TOILET!

    Mikaela and Sam are unblocked and those have been civil conversations too.
    I don't have purky blocked.

    I want you to think about that.
    You just called all of them rape /Sa apologists to have a jab at TM SM and Tora but really me but you don't know my views. You assumed I was with them and you assumed my views were the same as theirs. I don't see why you are doing this to them when it is not much different from your own. It is like fighting over different pronounce of one word but you are attacking them over their pronunciation.

    toilet terrorist October 13, 2023 4:55 pm
    Sorry for the bad english, I wish I could become better but my english still sounds like a bad French coupled with a broken English... -_- MangaSanctuary

    Je pensais que tu étais un natif anglophone mtr

    Purky October 13, 2023 5:29 pm
    "And wtf are you talking abt with this 14 y/o drama?? Who tf is tmsm and tora???And why the hell are you so mad jesus Christ get a grip. Its embarrassing "If you had read... They refer to their friends who are... MangaSanctuary

    Yall act as if mangago is a warzone lmao
    Guess what. People are going to be trolls, people are going to be mean,and nd people may fight you. This is the internet; just dont get hung up over it for the rest of your life as if its your villain origin story.
    Your ruining THIS comment section by telling us your "backstpry" like some npc.
    Sincerely; get a life.

    Purky October 13, 2023 5:37 pm
    As I said, I apologize for Synfull's behavior that caused my heated behavior. I apologize that Syfull told someone to go KYS, talked down to Rose like she knew nothing, forced their pov, avoid someone wishing s... Morning Diamonds

    I am sorry. But what you just wrote was literal aids. I simply dont care about the drama you and your peers faced by someone i dont know nor care about.
    I do not care what that synfull guy did to your or your friends cuz i never asked. I dodnt know that dude and i am not responsible for his actions, and i def dont want you apologizing for his actions cuz i dont care.
    All i have tos ay for that is to get a grip and get over it; cuz its really embarrassing how youre going around telling ppl that never asked that someone trolled you on the internet
    And to the websites you've sended; i apperciate them and i understand your pov.
    My point is that dan was sa, he was shown vulnerable, and you might be completely right that this exactly isnt rape but it is under the umbrella of rape.
    Anyhow, my point is that dan was wronged and that act that they did was un-consensual and thats it. :)

    Purky October 13, 2023 5:38 pm
    I was so confused reading their comments like what are they on?? _uwu_senpai

    I have no idea dude.
    They keep preaching abt this dude who trolled them or sumthin.
    Its so embarrassing, i think they a victim complex or sum

    MangaSanctuary October 13, 2023 5:49 pm
    Yall act as if mangago is a warzone lmao Guess what. People are going to be trolls, people are going to be mean,and nd people may fight you. This is the internet; just dont get hung up over it for the rest of ... Purky

    Was my message adressed to you? Apparently you also don't have a life if you have the time to read a long message that wasn't for you. I happened to speak a few times with that person and since she ask a genuine question I replied.
    Your rudeness makes you look like an immature person, a 12 years old (and even they know better how to behave...).
    Do a favor to this Jinx community, buy yourself a heart and a brain and stop speaking like a spoiled brat.

    MangaSanctuary October 13, 2023 5:56 pm

    And you can't reply to me cause I've blocked your rude ass, Purky.
    Learn to speak without insulting people and one day maybe I can decide to unblock you.

    Purky October 13, 2023 6:00 pm

    Shit my bad man; thsi wasnt for you manga sanctuary, it was for another user and i missclicked
    I am sorry if i hurt your feelings my guy, my bad bbg.

    Morning Diamonds October 13, 2023 7:00 pm

    Purky, mangago on this page has been a warzone on one person. Your rebuttal was just to justify ganging up one person. Why are you making me a villain? Look at what you just did. Look at your behavior. Look at how I will respond to you. You are one of the villains of this story. If you are saying they or I have a victim complex how are I or they a villain?

    Why are you saying people are going to be mean and trolls? but saying we are villains for standing up to 50 or more ganging up on one person? That is true trolling and being mean is going to happen but they don't gang up on one person for over 2 months. Are you justifying that?
    I bet you could not handle what TM SM YZ endured. You and people like you have ruined this topic section. Don't blame me or any of your victims who are standing up to you. Standing up to this madness is not embarrassing. Asking you to say what is wrong so we can end this is not embarrassing. I explained what happened and that is not aids or embarrassing. This is not a joke. TM SM is not entertainment. I am not entertainment. You make it difficult to talk to you. I am glad those links helped you but they are from Tora, who feels he doesn't have a voice here. TM SM does either.
    the "aids" I was exposing to you some of what they get. I wanted you to see how serious this is. I can't believe you dismissed it. If that happened to you. Tora, TM, Rose, Mi, and I would be there defending you. It is wrong. You are normalizing cyberbullying.

    I wonder if Tora sent those messages to you would you be the same to him as you were to me? OR TM SM? I am thankful to you you were kind to me at that part and understanding to that pov. I have not shared my pov, that pov is to what they have been saying. They have been trying to get people to understand them.
    Do you think it is more embarrassing to attack someone over 2 months on a false view, which uwu still has of them? And they have been saying their view repeatedly to where no one listens to them. From what I can tell their opinions are similar to your own but just a few differences.
    They are victims of cyberbullying. They have been cyberbullied hard. There is no victim complex. If you read the backstory you would completely understand. Why dismiss cyberbullying? You can't owe up to torturing innocent people stuck in a sick mind game?
    You openly admit to messing with Tora before the mind game. Since the mind game are many who say they are trolling them. The game is obvious. It is a sick mind game on them. Don't justify it or dismiss it. I feel you are projection and not wanting to have a civil conversation. You are insulting but thankful in the same comment and just more insulting in other comments. Would you find that thankful genuine? Do you think you could have an open civil conversation with Tora? Do you think you could say that to Tora who deserves it? When you two first talked he did not understand how most on this page were going to take a few simple lines, this lines were misunderstood by many.

    TM SM YZ October 13, 2023 11:46 pm
    Now for why they're like this under your topic...They have a long history here in the comment section.What I understood is that despite not being glorious fans of Jinx, they wanted for the target audience to ha... MangaSanctuary

    Looking at everything. We wanted to share and talk about the story lightly. It is just a story to us. It does not matter to us. I mean we sympathize with Dan and feel for him. We want to beat JK up. But for many on this page, they take this story and the contents to heart way too much. They almost make it a reality. It is like it is real to them. So much so that they took illogical views from a few sentences and attacked Rose to attacking anyone who defended her. I feel and I have the right to say this after experiencing this behavior since July, they are so bloodthirsty they don't care who they hurt or attack. They don't care what someone's real views or opinions are. Can we go back to 2020, when topic sections were fun? I have been watching today's comments they are just disappointing. I have joined another site where the comments are not so violent and hateful. Maybe you should visit other comment sections on other sites and you will see you should have written haters instead of "haters". If you have different people telling you the same thing..... Truth never damages a cause that is just.
    ""Hater" is a label used to refer to people who use negative and critical comments and behavior to bring another person down by making them look or feel bad. These hurtful and negative comments can be delivered in person, online, or in texts and apps."

    We take cyberbullying seriously as much as they take fictional toxic behavior in a fictional story. We care about something real and that could hurt or cause suidence with real human life. I don't normalize cyberbullying. I wished Purky listened to you. One of the problems is I tried many methods and many were not like me. I stop being me on here. I am going back to being me. Maybe you will see there are haters on this page since you are back. That is childish behavior. They could have asked instead of insulting. I have been blocked and I have asked the person. That is what you do. It was an accident on their behalf or a glitch but I had nothing to feel guilty of to behave ill-manner or insult them. I do thank you for helping and taking the time to understand us. I hope it has stopped. But... maybe not... I am not a weirdo. I am not a rape/Sa apologist either that was disgusting. That is why they are blocked. I wanted nothing to do with their hate or lies. I want peace and to enjoy mangago. I want to help others. I was helping them. I will never understand their behavior.

    Mi Amore Anon October 14, 2023 1:08 am
    Looking at everything. We wanted to share and talk about the story lightly. It is just a story to us. It does not matter to us. I mean we sympathize with Dan and feel for him. We want to beat JK up. But for ma... TM SM YZ

    Reading that TM you didn’t transactional well.

    When he said “that is childish behavior.”
    “That” meant how uwu acted instead asking why they were blocked. It is clear on the sentence that follows.
    It does not make sense to the sentence that is before it.
    He need a space and to say what “that” was instead.
    Just to make that clear.

    BelovedRose October 14, 2023 10:31 pm
    Now for why they're like this under your topic...They have a long history here in the comment section.What I understood is that despite not being glorious fans of Jinx, they wanted for the target audience to ha... MangaSanctuary

    "For Ina, I think their beef was mostly because she asked for them to let people share their view on Jinx's comment."

    Until yesterday, it was Tora who clicked on who Ina was, when everyone was thinking Ina was someone like us. We are not alone. There are many people who are speaking the truth. They have been silenced. IS Ina.. Tang ina?
    Everybody with a different opinion or POV should ask Ina, Purky, uwu to let people share their view on Jinx's comment.
    Tora can not share his view
    Tmsm can not share their view
    I can not share their view
    Someone who likes this story can not share their view.
    Someone who likes JK can't share their view here.

    Ina attacked people who liked this story. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14528488/

    Tora defended them. she made it look like people are defending JK and forced them into this roll "like admit your here for the fucking and enjoy his toxicity don’t try to delude yourself to ay he’s getting better." I hate the story and there were steps he did take to get better. She is personally attacking people.
    That is not an opinion.
    Tora's first comment was on possessiveness and jealousy with the story and links.
    Tora's second comment was explaining things and calling out things. Say Ina attacked people.
    Tora's third comment was to Tmsm on BDSM to prompt a funny response from Tmsm. They were going to bring humor to the thread. ING jumped to conclusions.
    INA comes in talking about research papers? and her opinions? possessiveness, jealousy, and Stockholm Syndrome were not part of her main topic. The conversation moved away. A comment is not yours when you post it. ING judges many of them not being in sexual relationships. She defended the BDSM when nothing was said. No one was disrespecting her.
    Tora replies and this reply is not like him. He said he does not write in CAPS. He was working on a paper and he was confused by Ina. His data mind could not understand her irrational mindset. I don't understand her reply.

    So Ina blocked Tora. Tora returns it. Ina degraded Tora on it. Tora was not offended. Ina was offended from all her actions to assert dominance and silence him. Ina will start attacking Tora where Tora were slowly stop trying to talk. Tora did not attack as Ina claims. Tora was dealing with a hostile person and he did not know why. Ina will start creating topics. Cici will create topics to stop Tora having sharing facts and calling out bad behaviors. Neko will create topics to stop Tmsm and Tora from sharing facts and calling out bad behaviors.
    Ina will go to topic to topic with false warnings to stop Tora from having a voice. Ina will make topics against Tmsm and tora to stop them from having a voice who already don't have a voice. She is kicking the victims while they are down.

    The real beef is she is insecure in herself and feels stupid when she is not instead of feeling thankful or appreciative of Tora and Tmsm. She gets triggered and retorts to cyberbullying them when she could engage in health discussion and see they are helping. Sharing articles and facts can be helpful in countering misinformation and false statements. It is important to provident accurate information. They are doing nothing wrong. He was educating and informing. He was not demeaning or silencing her. She misunderstood. We need to promote a respectful and open dialogue. we need to be tolerant of each other.
    Now, she sets up a game for them. Tora responded to someone and when he noticed it was a game he left. One the them with a lie post on ina post's.
    Tora and Tmsm like to help others. They are not in the wrong to share facts and links to help others. They have done this for years. Ing has been the only one to act so violently and be so manipulative with them. She needs to start working on her instead of silencing them when she is claiming that is her problem. That is something they never do. She has misjudged them completely.

    https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14568633/ ( MD is a friend, they don't like the toxicity. they block. they is no point to create an alt. pointless.)

    and more.

    It is ing that will not let Tora or Tmsm share anything links and facts here. It is not the other way around. While I understand she feelings on feeling stupid they did not make her feel like way. Those comments were not even to her. She made herself feel that way. She needs to deal with it instead of harming Tora, Tmsm, and me. That is her problem. Tora has offered to help her. She keeps attacking him over nothing he did. Those are her feelings. he did not cause them.

    MangaSanctuary October 14, 2023 10:59 pm
    "For Ina, I think their beef was mostly because she asked for them to let people share their view on Jinx's comment."Until yesterday, it was Tora who clicked on who Ina was, when everyone was thinking Ina was s... BelovedRose

    Thank you for taking the time to explain all this to me. It's very long and I didn't finish reading it but I'll try tro reply to some passages and to TM SM.

    Purky October 16, 2023 3:34 pm

    I physically can not believe these five are all diffrent people.
    Anyways, i hope this is satire cuz this is just sad.
    I am going to be serious here for a second.
    Staying on mangago for THAT long is really unhealthy; for what it is, its just a porn site.
    PLEASE. Just take a break or sumthin, its insane how yall keep making these long ass essays about some yaoi characters
    I am ending this debate, argument, or whatever this chat is here.
    I wont to reply to any of yall 5; sorry bbgs

    Morning Diamonds October 16, 2023 7:10 pm
    I physically can not believe these five are all diffrent people. Anyways, i hope this is satire cuz this is just sad.I am going to be serious here for a second. Staying on mangago for THAT long is really unheal... Purky

    No one of us stays on Mangago for THAT Long. We all have a real life. Tora is a PhD student writing 6-10 page papers weekly. TM has a job with 2 projects a week. We have a life. Mi Amore is barely here so stop adding her here. Rose is not here either. I am not here either. You are sad picking on us for no reason. You make comments in false accusations. This is not a porn site either. How about you take a break from the porn and wake the fuck up. These long messages are not essays and not on yaoi or characters. Stop dismissing us or cyber bullying.
    I am not a Yaoi character.
    Tm is not a Yaoi character
    Tora is not a Yaoi character
    Mi Amore is not a yaoi character
    Rose is not a yaoi character

    And anyone else that has been cyber bullied is not Yaoi character
    Are you that obsessed with porn? Are you that obsessed with yaoi to not see the real people?
    Why are you making different people all one person? Why are real people just yaoi character? How are we here all the time when we have lives? How is Mangago a porn site when it is not? Your message makes you look unhealthy to continue to attack people who have enough cyberbullied. When you have nothing good to say, say nothing. This Thread died off. You should have kept it that way with a message like that. This was a conversation to stop cyber bullying. Take that break and reflect on how they have felt and what you did wrong here. Stop the defamation of us. I am just an exterior view. We are not a group or anything. It would help if you stop grouping us together. It was just the group that defended the rape survivor that you guys tormented and you guys have kept them in a group to keep tormenting them for doing the right thing. Why are you so offended they did the right thing against cyber bullying? That is what you have to ask yourself.

    Morning Diamonds October 19, 2023 4:01 am

    Hello Tangina? How are you? I hope you are good.

    We would appreciate it if you stop calling us mf. We would appreciate it if you stopped inciting that we fight you tooth and nail when it was you attacking us as we protested and defended from your attacks. How did we fight you tooth and nail when we did not talk to you? Tora has been avoiding you since the 1st, Tmsm I don't think replied to you. This is like my 4th or 5th. They avoided you for the most part. I think Rose was the one talking to you about how hostile you were. The boys have endured attacks since July and have turned away from people attacking them. They would not fight you.

    I did too besides a few comments. None of us are "one of them" because you are not talking about the real us. You don't see the real us.
    We have no power over you. so you can delete your topics. We never even any incited if we were mad. We actually prefer it if you did delete them but you can leave them up and continue to show it is you who attacked people and tried to get people to gain up on three people and tried to suppress others' voices over nothing but your agenda against a few people who did nothing. They are harmless. You attacked innocent caring people.
    Actually, we would prefer if you to start having civil conversations with us instead of spreading lies. There is no group. There is no drama group but the ones ganging up on a few people. Please stop saying unnecessary things to cause more drama and trying to cause more damage to their character. They don't deserve what you did to them. They actively avoided you. You never even realized. You are the "drama club". We are not mad. Your hate is not returned. We don't hate you or hold grudges. Let's bury the hatchet or live in hate over people who don't exist that you are imposing on a few people that you don't know. Either way please stop lying. Remove your topics if you want. We have no power there. Have a good day.

    Tang ina? October 19, 2023 4:51 am

    dude would it kill you to leave me alone

    I only responded because they commented on my old post and this stuff is exhausting I would appreciate it if you’d leave me alone I already blocked you, and have told you I don’t plan to interact with you ever again but if you keep doing this I don’t know whole heartedly how to make you stop

    no I will not apologize and you can’t really make me change my mind or my feelings about your group of associates I’ve told you not to contact me again in any means I don’t even know why your bringing this up again when this drama is dead

    did you not read the message leave me alone.

    Tang ina? October 19, 2023 5:00 am

    that and I never even mentioned your names in that post so no one would know it’s about you mfs

    I really don’t care how you feel about how I refer to you but this just pisses me off more that you’re trying to interact with me again

    if you have any sense don’t fucking respond to me I already took away your ability to respond to my topics because of these long winded responses you make because I expressed that I fucking hate the four of you

    I and most everyone would like it if you would stop looking in to the topics of people you hate and finding ways to contact them when they’ve fucking blocked you

    I don’t owe you and pleasantries and politeness I do not have to be nice and I am free to say what I want

    so for the fucking 100th time




    Morning Diamonds October 19, 2023 6:57 am

    To all... I am sorry. I was hoping to rationalize here. That is a good point that who is not mentioned and Tangina is not seeing the real us. She is talking about no one but herself as that only applies to her. The ones hating us are not seeing the real us. MANY have misinterpreted them. TMSM was many methods to stop being bullied. Some were not like him. They have been cyberbullied since July and Tangina has been the one. There is no group and they are constantly made a "group". Many confused the callouts as attacks. It is not them. Tangina is proving it. I AM NOT PART OF THE "GROUP". I am an exterior POV. I came to understand and tried to get them their account where they are not Jinx-only accounts. "The group" are the ones who defended a rape survivor and things got misunderstood in July thanks to lies from "haters". Now since Tora and TM understand the situation. It will not be the same.
    Tang ina can say what she wants but lies about us do provoke interactions. As their lies did here Tora and TM avoided her and asked her to leave them alone many times but she hated on them in many threads as they avoided her. She is not talking about Tora and TM. The threads prove that. I have an account that I created Feb 2020 once I can log in I could DM Tang but I am not interested. If I was interested in talking to Tang I would just create another account. Why would I? She lies about innocent people. She is kicking victims. She is being hostile. I am trying to see her as a good person. Tangina is hating to just hate. We are not punching bags, she can direct that hate elsewhere. It shows that TM did not talk to her. Hate us so little too? It is not us she hates. She will see that one day.
    Tora gave her friendship. We will not hate Tangina. We love Tangina. We will always extend our friendship to her. She has misunderstood Tora and TM. She does not even know us. I don't think many here know us. And trying to know someone from drama or who has been cyberbullied for over 2 months is not a good judgment call. Sorry everyone I tried. It failed. I am sorry Tangina as misjudged us.

    Purky October 20, 2023 4:26 pm
    that and I never even mentioned your names in that post so no one would know it’s about you mfs I really don’t care how you feel about how I refer to you but this just pisses me off more that you’re tryin... Tang ina?

    Tbh. Deserverd.
    These 5 or 4 or however much they are; are fucking assholes, they suck.
    They keep annoying everyone on here.
    So preach my guy