
_uwu_senpai October 11, 2023 10:09 am

Chapter 28

"The more time goes by the more I can't control my body....and my feelings"

What feelings now Doc Dan?? Stockholm Syndrome???

I'm such a hate watcher I can't even let this shit go I'm tireeeed. I hat this trop with all my being. Manhwa authors seem not to know how to write. This shit ain't enemies to lovers, it's rapist-victim to lovers.
I sincerely hope I'm wrong and that they don't get together and that Jaekyung dies in a hell fire or of brain hemorrhage after being knocked during a fight so Dan has no one to be in debt to forever. Amen.

    Morning Diamonds October 11, 2023 10:15 am

    It is not SS.

    Morning Diamonds October 11, 2023 10:18 am

    From a friend.. Who is busy.

    it isn’t Stockholm Syndrome. .
    As we know, Stockholm Syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time. This condition applies to situations including child abuse, coach-athlete abuse, relationship abuse and sex trafficking

    This isn’t the right type of relationship abuse and if you look at psychological causes, signs and symptoms this story doesn’t fit.


    It gives you 5 Examples of Stockholm Syndrome. None are close. 4 is the Stockholm syndrome abusive relationship. The abuse that causes Stockholm Syndrome isn’t there and there many elements that doesn’t allow to develop to Stockholm syndrome.
    The original Beauty and the beast is Stockholm Syndrome but the Disney’s version isn’t. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1460&context=criterion#:~:text=The%20original%20Beauty%20of%20Beauty,syndrome%20have%20all%20but%20vanished.

    MangaSanctuary October 11, 2023 11:11 am
    From a friend.. Who is busy.it isn’t Stockholm Syndrome. .As we know, Stockholm Syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abuse... Morning Diamonds

    Maybe people don't really know how to name this condition other than Stokholm Syndrom, since it's the kind of behavior that's close to SS (?).
    In any case, I think this is to name a person (aside of captivity) who falls in love or feels affection for the person who abuses them.
    Thank you for the links.

    _uwu_senpai October 11, 2023 11:30 am
    Maybe people don't really know how to name this condition other than Stokholm Syndrom, since it's the kind of behavior that's close to SS (?).In any case, I think this is to name a person (aside of captivity) w... MangaSanctuary

    Exactly it may not be SS but something close to it. At the end of the day his feelings are not coming from a good place.

    MangaSanctuary October 11, 2023 11:42 am
    Exactly it may not be SS but something close to it. At the end of the day his feelings are not coming from a good place. _uwu_senpai

    Yeah... Maybe this is masochism, something like this? Infortunately I'm not well versed in the psychology domain, so sorry I don't know much either. But you're right in saying that Dan falling for Jaecunt's not normal, despite the fans who paint their relationship in rose.
    They may grow to be closer (through sex?), even becoming lovers, but at this state of things I don't know how author will turn the tables to make the ML more likable since he's such an arrogant jerk.

    Tang ina? October 11, 2023 11:48 am

    fr oh god I agree it’s like a trauma response at this point??

    like his grandma is dying, he lost his home and like he has no money to his name

    and like JK holds like the key to his salvation and he also lives with him so the factor of the roof over his head is in Jim’s hands too ToT

    so like In my head I think he’s just convincing himself to find some light in the end of the tunnel and Ig for him or would be that Jk likes him in some way that isn’t sexual (which fuck I still think jk sees him as a object that he owns, his little angry face in the end of that last chapter to me reads as some toddler who was forced to share a toy)

    it’s just sad ToT

    MangaSanctuary October 11, 2023 12:45 pm
    fr oh god I agree it’s like a trauma response at this point??like his grandma is dying, he lost his home and like he has no money to his name and like JK holds like the key to his salvation and he also lives ... Tang ina?

    The lesser of two evils...?

    Not forgetting that Kim Dan was beaten and nearly raped by the loan sharks; the fact Dan was saved from these thugs plays a role too as to whay Dan is so forgiving to JK.
    Dan is not only an escort nor prostitute in this situation I'd say his situation is worse en the sense that he owes everything (to his job to his living) to ML, making him extremely vulnerable and maybe accepting in regards of the way JK treats him.
    In POTN there is a passage where the MC, Nakyum told to himself that he has no choice but accept this fate, however we don't see such thing from Dan in Jinx.
    It'll look less out of place if we knew the reasons why Dan opposes so little resistance (aside his personality).
    Yes about JK...

    MangaSanctuary October 11, 2023 12:46 pm

    * was saved from these dudes by ML

    Tmsmyz October 11, 2023 2:05 pm
    Exactly it may not be SS but something close to it. At the end of the day his feelings are not coming from a good place. _uwu_senpai

    You have picked out a line that should start changing the whole story for you. Take that line which should had been in chapter one and read for the beginning again and maybe you can pick up on things about Dan that is easy missed on the first reading.

    toilet terrorist October 11, 2023 4:05 pm
    Exactly it may not be SS but something close to it. At the end of the day his feelings are not coming from a good place. _uwu_senpai

    The word youre looking for is trauma bonding, stockholm syndrome is a form of trauma bonding. What trauma bonding is...its in the name.

    toilet terrorist October 11, 2023 4:09 pm
    The word youre looking for is trauma bonding, stockholm syndrome is a form of trauma bonding. What trauma bonding is...its in the name. toilet terrorist

    "Trauma bonding is a psychological response to abuse. It occurs when the abused person forms a connection or relationship with the person who abuses them. The person experiencing abuse may develop sympathy for the abusive person, which becomes reinforced by cycles of abuse, followed by remorse." thank you google

    Morning Diamonds October 11, 2023 4:14 pm
    "Trauma bonding is a psychological response to abuse. It occurs when the abused person forms a connection or relationship with the person who abuses them. The person experiencing abuse may develop sympathy for... toilet terrorist

    Is it really that? He had feelings before as TM said.

    toilet terrorist October 11, 2023 4:22 pm
    Is it really that? He had feelings before as TM said. Morning Diamonds

    dude before what? chapter 2?

    Morning Diamonds October 11, 2023 4:40 pm
    dude before what? chapter 2? toilet terrorist

    You guys really never took the time to listen to Tora, Tmsm, Rose or any one saying this isn’t rape or SS or whatever. Have you? Wait!? you did on the SS if I remember correctly from Tora. But that was a fight too.

    Maybe it is time to let them explicitly explain things then slamming them into a box because they have a different opinion but to be honest as exterior pov they don’t have much different from you besides on a few things. I think.
    I know your answer but I think this should go to TM or Tora who has been beaten repeatedly into a box. They need to finally be able to express themselves. You asked a question and TM has it done but he wanted more to proofread but he has been hesitant to post it. They have lost their voices with the story and make trolls think they take over the topic section when they never have. They barely even make topics. Trolls offended by them standing up to cyber bullying? I am not taken the floor. Tm has said this before and he needs to explain it better. Or Tora. The trolls need to leave them alone.

    Purky October 11, 2023 4:44 pm
    You guys really never took the time to listen to Tora, Tmsm, Rose or any one saying this isn’t rape or SS or whatever. Have you? Wait!? you did on the SS if I remember correctly from Tora. But that was a fig... Morning Diamonds

    I thought after the bdsm chapter when dan was shown vulnerable without his consent to heesung, everyone was on the same page about this bullshit being rape. Guess not.

    MangaSanctuary October 11, 2023 4:45 pm
    "Trauma bonding is a psychological response to abuse. It occurs when the abused person forms a connection or relationship with the person who abuses them. The person experiencing abuse may develop sympathy for... toilet terrorist

    Remorse for liking the person who abuses him?
    (Thanks for googling).

    I think the perplexity of their relationship makes the "like" and "feelings" Dan feels for JK more complexe and subtul than of a (simple) trauma bonding, even though I agree that TB fits in this situation.
    JK helped him, still do, is handsome, plus the guys only has sex with Dan... It's understable that Dan can be attracted to such handsome dude. These may be reasons why he blushes etc...

    Sorry I didn't reply yet to your comment last time. I'll be once I collect some arguments.

    Morning Diamonds October 11, 2023 5:04 pm
    I thought after the bdsm chapter when dan was shown vulnerable without his consent to heesung, everyone was on the same page about this bullshit being rape. Guess not. Purky

    Bdsm isn’t rape. That line was taken out of context by you guys. You are being condescending. That is not needed.
    It was sadistic with what happened to Heesung. It was not Heesung who entered him. Rape is who enters them. He was not rape in chapter 34.

    You can talk to me or fuck off. I am not putting up with your shit. You messed with Tora when he was helping you. You admitted to it. You purposely and deliberately causes issues with Tora and Tmsm. Notice he ignored you when you messed with him a few days ago. He is finished with your types. He never returned to that thread. Tora and Tmsm are two of the gentlest, sweetest, and helpful people I know. They never deserve who you or anyone has treated them. Here is your chance let’s untangle this mess. The tmsm vs everyone has got to stop. When they say “you are being something”. They are saying you are acting that way. They are not calling you anything. They are not forcing anything on you either. If you don’t want to stop the mess. Leave them alone. They are not toys or something for entertainment. I can explain them to you. They have been misunderstood by the people here and some has deliberately chosen to do so.

    Torakaze October 11, 2023 7:46 pm
    Bdsm isn’t rape. That line was taken out of context by you guys. You are being condescending. That is not needed. It was sadistic with what happened to Heesung. It was not Heesung who entered him. Rape is who... Morning Diamonds

    I will write this here….too.
    Kind of calm it down? You can’t solve it and hmmm…. come off as a cactus. They need to know they can approach you and able to have a conversation. Okay? Purky maybe different from the others you have meet so far. I can’t remember much but remember Purky and I talked before the mess. It was one of the last times I tried to have a real long conversation on here. Purky maybe more reasonable here, when the others are more resistant. Don’t undermine your goal. Not all of them are trolls or being malicious. Behave, Sherlock.

    toilet terrorist October 11, 2023 8:13 pm
    Remorse for liking the person who abuses him?(Thanks for googling).I think the perplexity of their relationship makes the "like" and "feelings" Dan feels for JK more complexe and subtul than of a (simple) traum... MangaSanctuary

    I dont think what JK gives is remorse but rather intermittent kindness, hes nice then hes angry again, completely inconsistent and unpredictable towards Dan. You dont know if hes gonna be abusive or kind, belittling or merciful. If he was a real person he would be kinda terrifying to be around (he reminds me of my dad a little, not really). JK is obviously completely unresponsive to Dans emotional needs, as long as hes not fainting its whatever to him and it seems like Dan is clearly used to it because he was suprised that JK didnt continue raping/sexually abusing him in ch 34. Trauma bonds are extrmeely complex, what i gave was a simplified definition but i do suggest you research it yourself if you are wanting to know more. Nothing is more reliable than the sourced evidence you found yourself !

    MangaSanctuary October 11, 2023 8:15 pm
    I will write this here….too. Kind of calm it down? You can’t solve it and hmmm…. come off as a cactus. They need to know they can approach you and able to have a conversation. Okay? Purky maybe different... Torakaze

    Agree and well formulated. We may have different view on things, but we can still try to understand the other's party opinion, and vice-versa. For that to happen a calm attitude is better (if we can). (๑•ㅂ•)و✧