idk T-T

baby_owl October 11, 2023 1:32 am

not anything ab manwhas but like am i the asshole for not talking to my sister all day? so i put on the beans for dinner tonight and i did what i had to do and they had to put water in every once in a while so the beans won’t burn and i woke up and she got mad at me called me a bitch and other names so like a sister i did to. and she’s talking to me pretending this morning didn’t happen i’m and i decided i’m not talking to her until she apologizes because she blamed me for burning the beans. like what? i was the only who thought to put the beans on.

    kitkatsudon October 11, 2023 2:25 am

    nah, i just think its an awkward situation and both of yall got mad and i do that too w my sibling when we get mad

    also being called a bitch is a bit much, like it was only beans and you didnt even mean it

    Ceru October 11, 2023 2:36 am

    It was an accident and u didn’t really do anything wrong seems like an overrreaction on ur sister’s part.
    Also u should take these kind of questions to r/AITA lol

    Sac of ramen noodles October 11, 2023 2:45 am

    No you are not she got rude first so you reciprocated you did good. I would honestly tell her that I don’t appreciate when she does that and that you don’t like that she randomly just goes back to normal like it’s something that’s normalized. speaking to someone this way is not nice.

    **Anonymous** October 11, 2023 3:54 am

    As someone who have sibling brother swears at me when they got angry and I don't swear at them (bc I can't and I know i have a fault as well on why they got angry at me) but we don't say sorry at all (maybe bc we are not honest and we think that it's cringe and awkward) but talking with each other even without saying sorry is our way of resolving our fight..

    So for me Ur not an asshole but maybe u have a fault as well? Like you put the beans but didn't remind them or something that's why they got angry at you ... But if you want Ur sister to say sorry to you u should talk it out to one another bc not talking with Ur sister will just put distance with each other and nothing will be resolved