Hmmm...... It's surprising to see someone could imagine Hanhoo as Bottom.
I have been reading lots of stories with bottom that are not stereotypical weak or naive that's why i could guess Chansol is the bottom from the start. Also, He gives bottom energy, especially with hanhoo.
I do love innocent pretty looking face Tops and i have seen lots of that, so i can see why you thought Chansol might have been top...... and well, he could be that kind of top, if he was paired up with someone else and not Hanhoo.

I can’t find enough of stories with similar Chansol characteristics. Most of them are annoying and just naive or dense as hell (Example. Wooju from Honey Trouble). There’s worse though.
Chansol is just magnificent. He could be both bottom and top. It’s also not hard to imagine Chansol as bottom, I never said that, I just maybe preferred if someone like Hanhoo was bottom (my imaginations are killing me). I like either way though, story is so good on top of that.
I read this a while ago and re reading again.

U hv to sign up for a post type account tho. For me I had to sign up for the account then it brought me to the profile settings. So I needed to close the tab and click the link again then it automatically brought me back to the posting with it unlocked cause it was still logged into the account
That’s my question. I read this before and I think it doesn’t have any smut since it’s shounen ai. But curious who’s the one dominating