Having read the novel...

SporkMuffin October 10, 2023 8:29 pm

I think I'm gonna put a pin in this one and come back when it has more chapters.

The novel was interesting in a kind of popcorn flick turn off your brain kind of way, and I'm curious to see how it gets adapted.

Although, I will say that (potential vague spoilers about the ending)...
...I'm curious if the adaptation will change anything about the last couple hundred chapters because I've always felt that the ending was a bit of a chaotic mess.

There were a whole bunch of twists and "shocking" reveals coming one after another after another, and honestly, it felt a bit exhausting and distracting.

Some of the twists were good, some were okay, and some made absolutely no sense (and made some of the actions taken by characters "in the know" earlier in the story just seem bizarre).

When they all came one after another in such close succession, the ending just didn't feel as good as the rest of the story.

If the adaptation makes it that far (it's a very long novel), I want to see how it handles things.

    UchihaNa October 13, 2023 9:00 pm

    Man, I feel you. It was a good read and I want to see how they will adapt it.

    There were so many plot twists near the end and I still have a lot of questions about the main dimension. I did laugh at the end when not even the system could erase Tiger Soul General hahahah but also, geez that black out did scare me.

    magicmau5 August 17, 2024 4:26 am

    I read the novel, very entertaining for most of it. Except the weird af plot twists at the end... Really not expecting the betrayal part. Like I was thinking... is this necessary? Maybe the author was tired of writing by the end. This author also wrote Super God Gene which is also fun to read.