I'm starting to like Brian more than Ian. Is it just me or he feels more fleshed out as a ...

Skrimp October 10, 2023 4:52 am

I'm starting to like Brian more than Ian. Is it just me or he feels more fleshed out as a character? We see more of his personality, his philosophy, his long-term goals and his relationships with the people that aren't the love intrests. Ian's story is too focused on other people like Soleite and that other priest asshole who's name I forgot. And when it's not about those two, it's about Brian. I hope he'll play a more influencial role in his story when we're back to the present but I highly doubt he will.

    FreEli October 10, 2023 4:58 am

    THANK YOU—I’m so tired of reading the complaints

    Kasuza October 10, 2023 2:57 pm

    I think this is the way the author want to guide Ian. We were shown how the past is. Considering how miserable Ian's life is he's kinda like a lost lamb. And then we were shown Brian's fleshed out characteristics. So for comparison maybe Ian wouldn't be like Brian in the past, but he will have his own character development because he has his own set of trouble.

    And yeah I'm kinda tired of everyone complaining. So far this story is so good and it's an original story (without novel to spoiler). So we should trust the author more. I have a feeling this arc will come to an end soon.

    PS: I kinda forgot that they don't show the priest in the flashback. I think when the country "seperated", the corrupt one (under this shitty chief) summoned another dragon that is that creepy priest, I guess??

    Norn October 10, 2023 7:33 pm

    I friggin' love Brian. He's strong, fiesty, intelligent, caring, and yet as a devious side. I can see why Sol fell for him. He is an instigator while Ian is moved by external forces, some that he is not even aware of. Not that it's his fault, he was born into a horrible situation and is heavily traumatized.

    I see them as two entirely characters and to be honest, I prefer Brian as well.

    Skrimp October 11, 2023 2:10 am
    I friggin' love Brian. He's strong, fiesty, intelligent, caring, and yet as a devious side. I can see why Sol fell for him. He is an instigator while Ian is moved by external forces, some that he is not even aw... Norn

    Dude you said exactly what I couldn't put into words. That's why I love Brian.

    Kasuza October 11, 2023 2:10 pm
    I friggin' love Brian. He's strong, fiesty, intelligent, caring, and yet as a devious side. I can see why Sol fell for him. He is an instigator while Ian is moved by external forces, some that he is not even aw... Norn

    I hope I can vote a comment because I agree with you. I love Brian. He's so well developed as a character. That's why I want to see how the author develop Ian's character. I mean Brian is too solid.