That is obviously a person trolling or seeking attention. Congratulations you were duped. Everyone who did write was duped.
I am writing you: you shouldn’t wished rape on someone! It is horrible. I never want to experience it again! You saying rape will not be funny but you are making rape a joke. Rape is not joke. Seek professional help. “Rape is no joke and careless commentary about the topic only adds to the torment suffered by victims.” What the fuck are you writing. https://www.healthyplace.com/abuse/rape/do-women-enjoy-being-raped-myths-about-rape

Jk is a sexual abuser not a rapist. This story is sexual assault and abuse. It is not rape. This is not defending him. I don’t like Jk. I don’t like the story. The person seeking attention was told this already. Jk is a sexual abuser not a rapist and it doesn’t not change anything on his behavior. I am condemned rape! I was raped. I am against rape jokes and wishing people to be rape. It is a horrible experience. I never want to be with a man again.
This is a person seeking attention and maybe a troll. Stop feeding them.

@BelovedRose, all rape is sexual assault, not all sexual assaults count as rape. In this case, it fits all the criteria for rape.
The definition of rape is, "unlawful sexual activity, most often involving sexual intercourse, against the will of the victim through force or the threat of force or with an individual who is incapable of giving legal consent because of minor status, mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception."
The definition of sexual assault is, "nonconsensual touching of one person for the sexual gratification of another, including rape, fondling, molestation, or other unwanted contact with the genitals, anus, buttocks, groin, or breasts of either party"
Chapter 2
1.) Jaekyung uses deception to lure him to his home and have intercourse (deception = rape)
2.) Jaekyung takes Kim out of the shower and tosses him on the bed when met with resistance, en quote, "hold still before I break your ankle" (physical force, threat of force = rape)
3.) Kim says no and pushes Jaekyung away (against the will of victim = rape/sexual-assault)
4.) Jaekyung says, "If you waste my time like that last little bitch did. Don't expect to come home safe and sound" context: last partner had their nose broken (threat of force, against the will of victim = rape)
5.) Kim says, "Stop" and Jaekyung forcefully pushes his head down and says, "keep testing my patience and I'll smash your head in" (physical force, threat of force = rape)

Stop telling people to kys.
Your message to Rose, why are you explaining what rape is to a rape survivor? Why are you explaining the difference between rape and SA when she follows TM and Tora when does a good job? She know rape is SA but not all SA is rape. It is obviously from her own post. Why are you explaining it to her? She knows. She was not confusing it. You did nothing here.
She knows the definition of Rape. She was rape. She is a rape survivor. You are being an ass. When Tora and Tm does something like this they are helping and teaching. You are being an ass and forcing your uneducated opinion on her.
Since you are explaining things she already obviously knows and wasting time. Why not ask her to explain what she means, you uneducated idiot instead of forcing yourself on her? This is where Tora and Tm where say you are forcing your pov and cherry picking to your pov. There is no sex in chapter 2. No sex = no rape.
Your other points are easily debunked by Tora and Tm but you are a troll. You are nasty stupid vulgar troll. Leave Tora, Tmsm, and Rose alone! Rape is not the real point of view. Now imagine if you asked her. Look up sexual coercion, it is sexual assault. They have the links. No one cares about a troll.

https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14448911/ notice what is said and Rose does comment. She knows what you said. She knows the truth.
You should turn yourself in and anyone glorifying real rape can join you. If you cared about rape you wouldn’t talked to a rape survivor callously or let ANgell slide. You were only interested in forcing your own opinion on a story than jumping on ANgell to ride a rape survivor’s dick. You don’t care. I stand by with you fucking off and turning yourself in.
Jaekyung is my favorite rapist, second is Asami Ryuuchi. I think my type might just be hot rapists. God forbid I dont get raped by a hottie, on god, I;ll fall in love kekekekek