
Celestia October 9, 2023 11:14 pm

Not him BLAMING HERRRR I wish she would have heard what he said back to him tho :( I don't want this to affect her because he's such a goddamn loser who can't see that she loved him for who he was and that they grew together!! Instead he started feeling inferior because he can't do shit on his own. SOOOO FUCKIN EMBARRASSING for him bro can't wait for the episode to be live broadcasted and he sees that she heard him all of the public is gonna hate him after this

    Baka October 13, 2023 4:59 pm

    And it's like, he likes being taken care of by Taerin but he got embarrassed because he realized that people think he's incompetent because he likes it when his partner dotes on him. If he had talked to Taerin or tried to be more confident in his preferences his inferiority complex wouldn't have gotten as bad as it did. A simple "you're jealous u don't have a pretty girl taking care of you!" would have shut his haters up really quick