I am trying to find a solution. That is you want to stay the problem?? You think I am mad? you think I don't have self-awareness? I am acting just right. One day you will learn that. Or do you already know but decided to be salty? Maybe Tm was wrong and you were not 'being" one but "are" one. Every step of the way, you and the others have only proved him wrong because there is no "being" one when you "are" one. Right? I am fine with who I am. I would be embarrassed to be you. bye, salty cutekuromi who laughs at people getting cyberbullied. I will keep acting like this in the future as this is how good people act to resolve problems. Your comment shows the opposite. You don't want to resolve and did a personal attack. Gross. That is what labels you. YOU!!!!!! BYE
I will not give up on being coherent. I gave up on talking to a person who wants to be the problem. Your last comment is trolling btw. No wonder you offended at him by saying being one. It was the truth. Do you want an essay? No one has yet to have an essay on this page. But thanks.
I left this thread a few times, even my last comment, I left but Vidhuu... I am not your honey. Us crying? but Tora called me a coward - when he said being. Tm called me a sadist troll -when he said being. cry cry! This topic is nothing be you guys crying over Tora and Tm calling you out. It must have been true.
I gave you an opportunity to stop crying about being called out. I could have untangle the mess. "I think that gives us a licence to discuss our shared experience at that point" = CRYING CRYING. No one wants to hear about your fake sob story. Rose was an instant block. TeeTee! Truth hurts!
NO ONE IS CRYING ON THIS SIDE! We want the fake drama to end! If you are laughing you are a sadistic troll or trying to get at me. Laughing at us =your insecurities. Keep showing your insecurities. Another troll thing. Tora teaches us well, troll.
You and CuteKuromi failed to see either we were to resolve to fix this mess or you were going to label yourselves as sadistic trolls by your insecure or cold responses. Now everyone can see Tora and Tmsm don't label people.
CuteKuromi labeled CuteKuromi as a sadistic troll. Vidhuu labeled Vidhuu as a sadistic troll. Like I said keep this thread up because it shows the truth. Insercuty cowardly uncaring people shitting on innocent people who are unwilling to resolve the problem to stop the fake drama and laughing at innocent people getting cyberbullied that in itself is sadistic.
cutekuromi... I know I said bye but I lingering. How do Tora and Tm say it... I lingered to resolve this or for you to expose yourselves as the sadistic trolls are you. No one cares if you are trolls. I have no reason to come back. Leave Tora and Tmsm alone. FUCK OFF, TROLLS!
if you've left this thread "a few times" then i hate to tell u but you haven't left at all also belovedrose (along with everyone else) was unblocked for quite a while after they posted their comment i only mass blocked when your friends started badgering everyone replying on this thread calling them names (as you're doing right now)
every update I ignore the manga and go straight to the comments cause they’re more entertaining