He didn't cyberbully anyone here. He did not call you sadistic trolls. His behavior was okay. He did not seem pissed. He did not call you inferior. GASLIGHTING. Tora does not hate on anyone but you are hating on him. He does not call people cowards. You misunderstood him. What would make him happy would be to unblock you and have civil conversations on Jinx but you keep hating on him on your misunderstandings.

Tora would not call people cowards. He was calling you out but you find it funny?
This is hating on someone. He will never say a thing about you besides he would want to unblock and have civil conversations with you but you are hating on him for no reason but your misunderstanding. He calls out bad behavior. He says "You are being cowardly" It is about your actions. He is not saying you are a coward. You just mad eTm pissed but you meant to you he seemed pissed because you don't know if he is or not. He is not. Tora was not calling you a coward. He was saying your words or actions are. Tora doesn't even remember you. I am willing to bet your interaction was anything but funny or insane. Just an adult (Tora) calling out a kid who is still mad at their false interpretations.
They are not calling you a coward or a sadist troll. Your actions and behavior are saying you are and they are pointing it out for you to change it. IF not you are blocked and they want nothing to do with you but that does not give you the right to lie and defame them because you are mad.
Cope and seethe.
I am out...

Oh god, not y'all ganging up, ukw all my faults, leave the thread alone and the op, I don't like blocking anyone, and all of y'all saying ur outta here, but aren't, and still come back, and you can't accept what yall say, don't reply to this again, if you really want this to be over, and yes diamond you wrote something to me which I didn't read, I thought it was spam so I deleted it, but I don't want to read it either, so kindly do not message me personally, this was a very light talk, till all the friends came in and made it a heavy discussion, I suggest op to just delete this thread, god messaging in jinx is like a death wish, I don't want to extend this, I left reading jinx, because of this and I'm very short tempted and this all is not helping at all, so kindly, all you friends stop messaging here.

Now imagine if you handle this as an adult. CuteKuromi should left this thread up. Tmsm came in and was treated uncool. He left and has not returned. Tora said something and left. I left but how you handle this was shitty. We were done and Cutekuromi was blocking people. Did you not read my message about editing their topic again to hide the comments? I said I was out. You had to be controlling.
No one is ganging up on you. We are trying to tangle the mess to stop this shit. You are shitting on innocent people. Jojo is shitting on innocent people. Tangina is shitting on innocent people. CutKuromi is shitting on innocent people and taking pleasure in us being attacked.
I wrote in your DM to solve your issue with Tora...
Can you give me the interaction between Tora and you? So I can translate for you.
Tora does not remember you. Tora does not call people cowards.
Here are my replies to you in case the op takes down that topic or edits that topic... We need to stop this. He did not do what you are claiming .
insert my and rose's comments.
Cutekuromi needs to leave this up. It shows we are working to stop the shitting on Tora and Tmsm and to stop this drama. Why are you acting like that? There was no reason. You are the problem by doing that.

So don't laugh at me, don't call me names
Don't get your pleasure from my pain
'Cause in God's eyes we're all the same
Someday we'll all have perfect wings
Don't laugh at me
'Cause I'm fat, I'm thin, I'm short, I'm tall
I'm deaf, I'm blind, hey, aren't we all?
Don't laugh at me, don't call me names
Don't get your pleasure from my pain
'Cause in God's eyes we're all the same
Someday we'll all have perfect wings
Don't laugh at me

How about you log off and find a hobby because you need a new hobby? Don't get your pleasure from my pain, or Tora's pain, or Tm or Sm's pain. Or Rose's pain.
'Cause I'm fat, I'm thin, I'm short, I'm tall
I'm deaf, I'm blind, hey, aren't we all?
Don't laugh at me, don't call me names
Don't get your pleasure from my pain
'Cause in God's eyes we're all the same
Someday we'll all have perfect wings
Don't laugh at me Don't laught at us.

Dude bfrrr no cause op is not saying anything and y'all love to get yourself in drama, you probably did go through shit, but we never mentioned you, we didnt even know yall existed, till like what yesterday? Stopping the drama my foot, people are making even more fun of y'all, because of the way y'all react, you react negative to anything which does not go to your principles, people have different definitions of everything, this does not just go to you but everyone, trying to prove their point, neither you and ur friends nor the other people can accept what others think and take criticism
The last thing I imagined is giving philosophy at mangago
Anyways I don't want any bad blood, I have really nooo intentions of ever replying in this manhwa, I hope we don't interact often ever again. Thank you.

you don't want any bad blood while you were lying about Tora and causing bad blood with him and others? You don't want to take the responsibility to fix your talking shit on someone? That link that Tangina posted here did you read the main topic? That was aimed at me and TM had a reason to say what he said. He normally would not say something like that. You should look up making fun of people and what it means. There is no reason to make fun of us. Grow the fuck up.
I am ignoring the rest of your nonsense.

1. Insecurity (they put others down in order to make themselves look better).
Keep reading
Keep making fun of them. You are not harming them. You are harming you.

I think you guys should look at how they have been treated and how you guys are responding to them. Cutekuromi appears to be callous, unreliable, and disregards people's feelings. It may be common NOW to say "Feel free to log off babe no one's forcing u to sit here and engage" or "Uhh, might sound insensitive, if you can't handle the pressure, then maybe don't comment?" But there was no reason and it was ridiculous. It is strange and stupid to us. It avoids your responsibility and dismisses the topic. The problem is you with those statements where you are trying to control them and get them offline for no reason. They are standing up to you and what is happening but people are laughing at them. They are right to stand up. it is what you do when you are cyberbullied. There is nothing to laugh at. if you are laughing at them being cyberbullied, you are no better than the cyberbullies like Jojo and Tangina.
every update I ignore the manga and go straight to the comments cause they’re more entertaining