
cutekuromi October 9, 2023 8:22 pm

every update I ignore the manga and go straight to the comments cause they’re more entertaining

    Vidhuu October 9, 2023 12:51 pm

    Omg samee, I have no Intentions if reading this, but the drama in the comments are so good, I gotta read them

    Tmsmyz October 9, 2023 1:22 pm

    Cyber bullying isn’t entertainment

    cutekuromi October 9, 2023 2:12 pm
    Omg samee, I have no Intentions if reading this, but the drama in the comments are so good, I gotta read them Vidhuu

    RIGHT like commenters working harder for our entertainment than the author at this point I respect it

    cutekuromi October 9, 2023 2:13 pm
    Cyber bullying isn’t entertainment Tmsmyz

    Feel free to log off babe no one's forcing u to sit here and engage

    Tang ina? October 9, 2023 2:13 pm
    RIGHT like commenters working harder for our entertainment than the author at this point I respect it cutekuromi

    you should find the message where they call one of their friends a dominate male /gen JDJSKSN IT SENT ME IN TO ORBIT

    cutekuromi October 9, 2023 2:15 pm
    you should find the message where they call one of their friends a dominate male /gen JDJSKSN IT SENT ME IN TO ORBIT Tang ina?

    WHAT OMGGG i need to scroll back a little more that's insane lmaooo

    Vidhuu October 9, 2023 2:33 pm
    Cyber bullying isn’t entertainment Tmsmyz

    Uhh, might sound insensitive, if you can't handle the pressure, then maybe don't comment?

    Vidhuu October 9, 2023 2:34 pm
    you should find the message where they call one of their friends a dominate male /gen JDJSKSN IT SENT ME IN TO ORBIT Tang ina?

    Wait wait, where is this??? People are getting wild here

    Tmsmyz October 9, 2023 2:38 pm
    Feel free to log off babe no one's forcing u to sit here and engage cutekuromi

    Feel free to stop controlling others and engage in healthy civil conversation or log off. No one is forcing you to be a sadistic troll and engage in toxic behaviors exposing your insecurities and cowardice.

    Tmsmyz October 9, 2023 2:42 pm
    Uhh, might sound insensitive, if you can't handle the pressure, then maybe don't comment? Vidhuu

    You get that from a few words? A few words that are true? Check yourself. Feel free to stop controlling others and engage in healthy civil conversation or don’t comment. No one is forcing you to be a sadistic troll and engage in toxic behaviors exposing your insecurities and cowardice.

    Tmsmyz October 9, 2023 2:43 pm

    This is just a topic of inferiority and insecurities.
    Please real conversation on jinx.

    Vidhuu October 9, 2023 2:47 pm

    um im sorry when did i ever control anybody?? i just said its fun, did i point at you or anyone? nope in general its funny to see how people are investing their energy in mere fiction

    Tang ina? October 9, 2023 2:56 pm
    um im sorry when did i ever control anybody?? i just said its fun, did i point at you or anyone? nope in general its funny to see how people are investing their energy in mere fiction Vidhuu

    it’s in this one HAHAHA

    cutekuromi October 9, 2023 3:09 pm

    oop i think i just caught a block by Ms Tmsmyz the audacity some of you have to jump into someone's thread unprompted say some shit and act like the victim when ppl don't immediately fold

    Vidhuu October 9, 2023 3:18 pm
    it’s in this one HAHAHA Tang ina?

    thanksss bestieee

    Vidhuu October 9, 2023 3:21 pm
    oop i think i just caught a block by Ms Tmsmyz the audacity some of you have to jump into someone's thread unprompted say some shit and act like the victim when ppl don't immediately fold cutekuromi

    so am i, btw that comment abt mere fiction was for our person who called us sadistic troll lol, but i couldnt reply to them

    Tmsmyz October 9, 2023 3:21 pm
    um im sorry when did i ever control anybody?? i just said its fun, did i point at you or anyone? nope in general its funny to see how people are investing their energy in mere fiction Vidhuu

    “Maybe don’t comment”

    Maybe don’t comment if you don’t see how that is trying to control others. Bye. Then you are not talking about me or my friends because we are defending people. People are not mere fiction. If you see the comments as that you may want to seek help.

    cutekuromi October 9, 2023 3:24 pm
    so am i, btw that comment abt mere fiction was for our person who called us sadistic troll lol, but i couldnt reply to them Vidhuu

    oh yeah I figured dont worry! let's go blocked gang lmao

    Tmsmyz October 9, 2023 3:26 pm
    oop i think i just caught a block by Ms Tmsmyz the audacity some of you have to jump into someone's thread unprompted say some shit and act like the victim when ppl don't immediately fold cutekuromi

    Mr TM and Mr. SM. It is on our profile and has been said many times. You got a block from your words. I came to you and said the truth. I am a victim to cyber bullying. “When people don’t immediately fold.” What conversation are you having? How does that relate? That is why your blocked no real conversation just nonsense trolling. Bye.

    Vidhuu October 9, 2023 3:35 pm
    oh yeah I figured dont worry! let's go blocked gang lmao cutekuromi

    after reading the comments, im glad to be blocked