i'm also hella confused because the definition of intersex I know is those born with both traits. i'm also trying to read this half asleep so my foggy impression was more that maybe they'd transitioned to a degree and chose to be more masculine non-binary??? but yeah I'm half asleep and confused lool
it's really nice to see more of these thoooooo beyond being like helpful it's also comforting to see this come from japan of all places~

No not entirely. Intersex reffers to a broad spectrum (basically people who do not fit into the norm of either male or female biologically). That can manifest through having chromosomes that do not align with your sexual organs or even having extra chromosomes, your hormones and your sexual organs. Some babies are born with ambiguous genitalia where you cant really determine their sex (unfortunately many doctors perform "corrective" surgery on intersex infants, which can have bad consequences). Sometimes you cant tell wether someone is intersex until later during puberty. And many people go through their lives never knowing they are intersex (hell, I dont even know what chromosomes I have). Some intersex people do have both female and male reproductive organs, but from what I know theres never been a case of someone being able to both get pregnant and to be able to get someone else pregnant. I dont think its impossible but if it isnt, its at least incredibly rare. I hope this helped
Man, I'm a bit confused. Are they intersex or do they identify as nonbinary?