did no one in the comments actually read the dialogue where he states that he's an adult l...

childe October 9, 2023 6:52 am

did no one in the comments actually read the dialogue where he states that he's an adult lol

    balmy17 October 9, 2023 9:51 am

    The point is they just stated the age just to justify it as being "legal".

    Keiko-sama October 9, 2023 1:56 pm

    Well... First, I didn't read this (doesn't matte tho) but I just read the comments and saw the cover. I kinda agree with you. I mean, it's not to the people to decide if it's legal or not (can you imagine if our world was actually like that, without law, people deciding, oof). I mean, the author say it's legal then it is, don't make your own choices and don't judge by the appearances. Of course, if it does bother you too much, then stop reading, but don't have the audacity to judge people just because you think your statement is "so cool uwu" by saying he "looks" like a child so "he is" a child (wtf is wrong with you ??). Judgemental people is what I hate the most. Just do what you want as long as nobody gets hurt, especially reading, just read whatever the fuck you want. Who cares.

    Looking like a child and beeing one is two worlds appart (lots and LOTS of people (including myself) IRL looks like fucking child and are grownass adult, don't judge them too, like what, the other person with them is a pedophile too ? Like, calm down). If you think the author is making excuses, then just leave, nobody forced you.

    childe October 9, 2023 2:44 pm
    The point is they just stated the age just to justify it as being "legal". balmy17

    are you the author?

    childe October 9, 2023 2:49 pm
    Well... First, I didn't read this (doesn't matte tho) but I just read the comments and saw the cover. I kinda agree with you. I mean, it's not to the people to decide if it's legal or not (can you imagine if ou... Keiko-sama

    amen to this. these are the same people that take this inane thought process and say things like "x character can't be an adult because she's short and flat chested" lol. some people need more maturing than they believe these characters do

    bishounen October 9, 2023 10:06 pm

    so y’all look at intentionally mature-drawn men having sex with intentionally child-looking drawn ”adults” and think “this is cool, nothing to worry about here”? like, not a single thought of suspicion? lol aight, says a lot about YOUR maturity ngl

    Goblin October 10, 2023 3:01 am

    he looks 5. it don’t matter how old he is

    balmy17 October 10, 2023 1:55 pm
    so y’all look at intentionally mature-drawn men having sex with intentionally child-looking drawn ”adults” and think “this is cool, nothing to worry about here”? like, not a single thought of suspicio... bishounen

    ikr? They don't our point. It's not us who gives bad meaning with this kind of trope but it's intentionally drawn like that to drawn the attention of those who like this kind of story.

    balmy17 October 10, 2023 2:07 pm
    Well... First, I didn't read this (doesn't matte tho) but I just read the comments and saw the cover. I kinda agree with you. I mean, it's not to the people to decide if it's legal or not (can you imagine if ou... Keiko-sama

    I see you're not well adept with this kind of issue. When you say "the author said it's legal then it is legal" totally showed that you're not a critical reader.

    People is reacting and bothered to this kind of artstyle because it is somehow depicting child abuse.

    They're telented artist who can draw a perfect body of an adult person and yet they choose to draw "adult" character with a physical appearance of a child. Tell me if it's not intentional.

    This is also a common method used in pornography. They dressed as a minor to attract viewers.

    I'm explaining why we don't agree with this kind of stories and yet you choose to be aggressive. I'm not debating here just explaining things.