it was not an omegaverse ig guideverse? since they have powers but the mc was pregnant, special condition where he can get preg, with twins i remember one twin has purple eyes just like the ml and the ml lost memories. they loved each other but mc ran away and then ml stumbled upon them?? i forgot the other details but it’s kinda like that and i wanna know what the title is bc i suddenly remember it. thr only problem is that i think i forgot to put it as “read” or “reading”
does anyone know the title of this manhwa?
it was not an omegaverse ig guideverse? since they have powers but the mc was pregnant, special condition where he can get preg, with twins i remember one twin has purple eyes just like the ml and the ml lost memories. they loved each other but mc ran away and then ml stumbled upon them?? i forgot the other details but it’s kinda like that and i wanna know what the title is bc i suddenly remember it. thr only problem is that i think i forgot to put it as “read” or “reading”