Japan vs Westerners

Tenmanyashiki October 8, 2023 4:08 am

Westerners who can't separate reality and fiction and reads for free: *whines about rape for the millionth time instead of moving on to read stories they actually enjoy*

Japanese readers that buy the book to support the author: Praises how nice the art is. Some finds the characters cute and some finds valid and polite critism with "not my taste but I gave it a try"

    bishounen October 8, 2023 12:38 pm

    nah you don’t slap the “can’t separate fiction from reality” argument on the table when people rightfully voice their dislike for the blatant overuse of the rape-to-relationship trope in yaoi because that’s literally not the point we’re trying to make.

    Tenmanyashiki October 9, 2023 6:53 am

    I actually can because of you're not old enough that you can't separate reality from fiction, then you're not old enough to read it in the first place.

    airingela October 10, 2023 5:33 pm

    Yeah fr. I'm getting tired of these westerners. I mean I can agree that plot like this is trash, but I won't complain. It's the authors decision to create what they want. Who are we to demand them? Also we are even reading this illegally lol

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ November 3, 2023 5:33 pm

    I gotta agree with you in that one , people should differential between fiction and reality if you can't don't even read yaoi at all since yaoi don't represent real gay relationship it made by women for women for enjoyment....

    Lalal November 7, 2023 4:34 am

    Ikr.. Thats what i've been saying.. It was all a fiction... No need to get worked up about it.

    AWinterWonderLand March 2, 2024 12:23 am
    I gotta agree with you in that one , people should differential between fiction and reality if you can't don't even read yaoi at all since yaoi don't represent real gay relationship it made by women for women f... RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼

    EXACTLY. I had so many haters coming at me cuz they're moralists. And I'm like, we're on a yaoi site and (it's also il**gal) so like just take a step back y'all. It ain't represent of real life.

    bishounen March 2, 2024 1:18 pm
    EXACTLY. I had so many haters coming at me cuz they're moralists. And I'm like, we're on a yaoi site and (it's also il**gal) so like just take a step back y'all. It ain't represent of real life. AWinterWonderLand

    y’all just don’t want to be judged for enjoying disgusting shit, that’s so cute. like, be for fucking real

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ March 2, 2024 1:58 pm
    EXACTLY. I had so many haters coming at me cuz they're moralists. And I'm like, we're on a yaoi site and (it's also il**gal) so like just take a step back y'all. It ain't represent of real life. AWinterWonderLand

    They wanna cherish their last drop of morality by being all righteous on this site lol it makes me laugh so fuckin hard sometimes

    Lalal March 2, 2024 2:18 pm
    They wanna cherish their last drop of morality by being all righteous on this site lol it makes me laugh so fuckin hard sometimes RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼

    Daanm.. Burn them so hard lol..

    airingela March 2, 2024 3:32 pm
    y’all just don’t want to be judged for enjoying disgusting shit, that’s so cute. like, be for fucking real bishounen

    Do you even realize that yaoi without rape is still disgusting? Yaoi fetishizes gay ppl so you're not better by enjoying the ones without rape lmao

    bishounen March 2, 2024 9:29 pm
    Do you even realize that yaoi without rape is still disgusting? Yaoi fetishizes gay ppl so you're not better by enjoying the ones without rape lmao airingela

    that might just be the most mental take i’ve seen in a long time. get well soon

    AWinterWonderLand March 3, 2024 12:09 am
    y’all just don’t want to be judged for enjoying disgusting shit, that’s so cute. like, be for fucking real bishounen

    Excuse me. When did I ever say I "enjoy" it?!? I'm talking about ppl like u moralizing the SHIT out of things. Get out of my face.

    AWinterWonderLand March 3, 2024 12:14 am
    Daanm.. Burn them so hard lol.. Lalal

    Burn them w/ til the last fucking drop. Since like let's say ten, fifteen ppl come at your for YOUR OWN comment. When they could just make their OWN comment. 10 against one ain't fair. So the fight gotta be STRONGER. Plus, they're attacking your morals because APPARENTLY THEY THINK REAL LIFE MORALS CARRIES OVER INTO FICTION. Gets All-sel-righteous and some how THEY THEMSELVES don't see that this is fiction and our values irl does not carry over into fiction and vice versa. So yes, the argument that this is fiction still stands. What dumb asses.

    AWinterWonderLand March 3, 2024 12:19 am
    Do you even realize that yaoi without rape is still disgusting? Yaoi fetishizes gay ppl so you're not better by enjoying the ones without rape lmao airingela

    Excuse me but WHO ARE YOU to be judging other ppl on what they LIKE or DON'T like. Wtf are you DOING ON THIS SITE AND READING THE VERY SAME THING YOU'RE HYPOCRITICALLY WAXING AHOUT?!? AND NO. IT DOES NOT "FETISHIZES gay ppl". Since WHEN did yaoi fetishes gay ppl?!? HOW did you EVER COME to THAT conclusion?!? If you're gay and you read straight romance fiction does that make you a "fetishizer of straight ppl"?!? Are you DELUSIONAL or WHAT?!?

    AWinterWonderLand March 3, 2024 12:50 am

    @Tenmanyashiki - I am Asian but live in the West. I respectfully disagree about the Westerner/Easterner bias. And no, not everyone, including myself, does NOT support the authors. A few things here. First of all, authors write for themselves. It's a work of art. And secondly, though-by-no-means ANY LESS, as a means of living, whether as a primary or secondary source of income. If the former, then the audience is whomever likes such things and won't complain about them. <<<--- so creativity for self. The latter are the ones that likes them and will buy them to support the author. <<<--- creativity for others (for the purpose of supporting oneself) OR as a byproduct of creativity for self that is ALSO enjoyable for others that they will support the work whether by reading for free or actively contributing to the creators credit. Or for me, I don't like it, but I read if I can stomach it. It also depends on how well it's done and how much of the r**e aspect is carried out. By that I mean if it's done in a way that is too distastefull or too cruel to stomach, then I will stop reading or supporting the author. So there are ppl who are ok with it (to some degree) who don't say anything. Then there are those who enjoy and support the work or cries for more. I don't like it but I won't get all upset about it - ofc within reason as stated above. And then there are those STRANGE creatures who CRIES about it and denounces it as if ppl who DO enjoy them are amoralists. That just BLOWS my MIND.

    And for those who responded to me. You know who you are. The self-righteous criers and denouncers, who camp here week after week thinking they do good deeds by railing against the works as if it's their GREAT LIFE purpose. . Get a life. Rape is distasteful, but why do ppl's tastes affect you so much?!? It's not your cup-of-tea so why are you READING IT?!? You're secretly enjoying this aren't you?!? Why ELSE would you be reading it?!? Blows my mind. I mean if you don't like yaoi don't read it?!? If you don't like rape, don't read it?!? And as many ppl have pointed out, there's plenty of r**e in straight romances too. How are you not bringing THAT up?!? Morally self-righteous assholes should get off this site. Seriously.

    airingela March 3, 2024 1:00 am

    Yall actually believe that yaoi is "just romance" Are you also gonna say that porn is just romance? Lol

    I agree that shonen ai bl is just romance, but yaoi is not. It's clearly has sex scenes in it which isn't necessary for romance.

    AWinterWonderLand March 3, 2024 1:08 am
    Yall actually believe that yaoi is "just romance" Are you also gonna say that porn is just romance? LolI agree that shonen ai bl is just romance, but yaoi is not. It's clearly has sex scenes in it which isn't ... airingela

    Porn can or cannot be romance depending on what was written into it. Porn w/ plot (as some ppl have said). Or porn without plot. Romance can have a lot of explicit scenes. Adult content. Or it can be Shounen Ai, or adult content with censored aspects of porn or sex scenes. If you believe yaoi is just purely porn, then that's all on you. Yaoi is more explicit and involves sex scenes. Some story dwells on it and others focus more on the story.

    AWinterWonderLand March 3, 2024 1:09 am
    Yall actually believe that yaoi is "just romance" Are you also gonna say that porn is just romance? LolI agree that shonen ai bl is just romance, but yaoi is not. It's clearly has sex scenes in it which isn't ... airingela

    How is sex scenes not necessary for romance?!? You mean to say ppl don't have sex?!? Like just all fluff and no physical contact?!? What is this?!? The Victorian era?!?

    AWinterWonderLand March 3, 2024 1:13 am
    Yall actually believe that yaoi is "just romance" Are you also gonna say that porn is just romance? LolI agree that shonen ai bl is just romance, but yaoi is not. It's clearly has sex scenes in it which isn't ... airingela

    I correct myself. Romance isn't all about fluff. It can be psychological manipulations too. If there is no physical coercion there can be blackmail or putting ppl down. A different kind of manipulation. Of the mind rather than the body. But yes, romance can include sex scenes. Idk what you're reading. But the lines between love making and rape is a fine line. And how much sex is a focus of the story.

    AWinterWonderLand March 3, 2024 1:15 am
    Yall actually believe that yaoi is "just romance" Are you also gonna say that porn is just romance? LolI agree that shonen ai bl is just romance, but yaoi is not. It's clearly has sex scenes in it which isn't ... airingela

    Psychological manipulations, threats, kidnapping, torture, verbal/physical abuse, lock-ups. Stuff of mature content. It doesn't HAVE to be yaoi. That kind of dark romance.