Tangina is targeting a group of innocent people caught in a sick mind game. Tangina posted false harmful content about them as if I am one of them.
This page is run by trolls. They targeted innocent people and forced them into false positions. A group stood up and the trolls pushed back with more lies. The innocent ones keep standing up to where the trolls started to hate them because it was no longer a joke. The trolls were thinking they had them upset and thought they were a joke. The trolls learned they were wrong. Instead of stopping and letting them enjoy the story like they desired the trolls like Tangina just torment them. Tangina showed everyone they were never the problem. It looks to everyone else it is both sides but it is not. The innocent ones are trying to make them stop to make this a safe place for all. The innocent ones are the ones meant to be here. Tangina and the trolls need to stop and leave.

Example: A: You have a BL Reader, a GL Reader, a BL/GL reader, and a sports reader.
The trolls are forcing them to be CP readers.
Group A will say they are not and explain what they were.
This has been on repeat for months. The trolls started to troll them when they were wrong or thought long replies meant they were upset. They thought it was funny and they were mocking them. Group A was not upset besides how a rape survivor was treated. Tangina is calling a MF.
The trolls never listened. If they listened and stopped it would have been over. Instead, they are hating them for a problem they started. They changed their views. They changed their opinions. They had multiple other people attack them on misinformation. They are hating and blaming this group when it is their fault. This group has every right to defend itself from slander and defamation. Freedom of speech does not protect against defamation, fighting words, or threats. If this was a legal site, they could press charges on a few. Yet, the trolls are hating them when it is their own fault.

Your really not helping your case babe you both talk the same and you took being called Tora as a compliment
you might not be him but fuck now we know you know him
and bro did you fucking stalk Tora’s comments to find out they wouldn’t make a new account just for jinx?
yk how far back they posted that? your not Tora but you are a stalker dam

Tora would not talk like me. You two don't know Tora. You are so obsessed with him and do not know how he talks. I know Tora. That does nothing to Tangina overacting as nothing was said about them. I did not act like them either.
It has been in many of their comments that you damn trolls have make their accounts only for jinxs. When they make a new account they would never bring the new one to Jinx. I stalk Tora, like you, but I can get the facts straight. They say it all the time. I think TM >..< I have to learn their name..>..< was the last to say it. I have been stalking the pages.

I join because I thought the damn fight was over. I was never going to defend them or talk about them. I was just going to enjoy my time on here. Syball could not admit they were wrong. Tangina overreacted and saw red. There was nothing there. If Tangina did not cause drama we would not be here and I would not be talking about or defending them. Why did you start it all over Tangina.
If you guys can't separate fictional and reality. Get some help okay. If you don't like yaoi then go read something else you like.