I will never understand why people think it's a good idea to go and sleep around with rand...

Irene October 6, 2023 7:20 pm

I will never understand why people think it's a good idea to go and sleep around with randos in a self sabotaging way because you got rejected, what the fuck is the point? but i guess it's the classic way for yaoi and bl to create angst, which I find hella weird. This trope is so overused.

Also, how come the uncle never helped Asa even after knowing everything he was going through? What an incompetent guardian.

    bijjwtf? January 30, 2024 3:24 am

    When someone you care about rejects you, it can be tough to handle. For some, the pain might lead them to seek comfort, or attention from others as a way of coping. Even though it's not the best choice, it also happens irl, not just here in fiction/bls. It's like they're trying to find validation and affection from someone else when they can't get it from the person who turned them away. Basically it’s a messed-up way of dealing with the pain and confusion.

    Ps: ik this is super random HAHSHAHAH i just thought i’d be okay to answer.

    beyonddasceneee March 12, 2024 9:31 am

    me personally if someone i loved rejected me i would just start whoring myself out 100%

    yuu August 14, 2024 5:03 am

    Its more of a trauma response than anything.. i mean some ppl can't help it and do it even when they know its terrible. but the plot is definitely played out too often in bls