
Supreme Gentlemen October 6, 2023 3:28 am

Im starved of sex. Why won't men like Alex cum inside me? Why can't I be worthy enought for them?

    Rodrick Heffley you're so fine October 6, 2023 3:58 am

    you're so real

    Irishman named Sean October 6, 2023 8:14 pm

    Profile.picture is crazzy

    Sushi_Lyfu October 9, 2023 3:44 am


    Rodrick Heffley you're so fine October 9, 2023 7:53 am

    fyi I don't read Jinx. I just spotted this comment and wanted to make fun at it.

    RyanLOL October 10, 2023 3:42 am


    Furrina October 13, 2023 12:10 pm

    Sweetheart, men like Alex are really easy to find. Go ask ur girlfriends who is the most toxic asshole ex they had misfortune of dating and play sex bingo with them until someone takes ur loose ass in. There are a lot of people who will bring home trash just to destroy it

    Canj October 14, 2023 8:39 pm
    Sweetheart, men like Alex are really easy to find. Go ask ur girlfriends who is the most toxic asshole ex they had misfortune of dating and play sex bingo with them until someone takes ur loose ass in. There ar... Furrina

    The insult was unnecessary. We are here to have fun and are suppossedly adults.
    Behave like one, and if you are not, then pretend to behave like one

    RyanLOL October 26, 2023 4:47 am
    https://media.tenor.com/sZBR-J8vAOIAAAAC/cod-mw.gif Jae

    He’s so fine

    Irishman named Sean October 26, 2023 9:19 pm
    He’s so fine RyanLOL

    For real