*There are ones that could hate us from lies and misinformation.
*There are ones that could hate us from misunderstandings.
That was really aim at a specific group of people. If you are one of those please let’s talk.
We never cared about a pov vs pov situation. It is made into that. It was about attacking a rape survivor who made a unclear message that was misunderstood then to everyone that has been attacked. It’s all about the cyber bullying on people who love the story or Jk or different from the haters’s opinions. We only defended, explained and taught. We should not be hated. If you hate us that is a you problem.
If you hate us- it is your choice and your fault. We are only defending from your actions and hateful vile comments.
If you don’t care-scroll by.
We are not the problem.
You say bullshit.
We defend and correct your statements but we are the problem?? No. You are the problem.
Can you please stop fighting and lying about us.
Like we share to enjoy the story or someone likes the BDSM in ch 34.
We get “your mental ill,” “disgust freak”, and more. Please stop.
How is posting facts makes someone mentally Ill? Please stop. We were never the problem.
Would you start finally listen to us and stop fighting/attacking us?? Whatever you are seeing isn’t true.
We want a safe place to enjoy the story. You want a safe place to hate the story (which is okay but I worry about your health and not attacking people who has different views.) But you keep lying about the story and us. You attack us and then make it the story. You dismiss people to justify your attacks.
We are real people who you are attacking. We are defending against your actions. We are not attacking or fighting you. We just need you to stop attacking us. We are harmless. We keep making up versions up us. Tora is a pacifist. It was so crazy and cruel to have this happened to him. No one owns the topic section. It is open to all. Please stop.
You have us wrong. You attack anyone who enjoys the story. We want a safe space for them. This section is meant for them. Stop attacking people. You guys are so toxic and cruel. Don’t blame us. We were never the problem.