talk about fcking toxic!!!

Ichigo October 5, 2023 7:20 am

I'm sorry but that most certainly is not love! I was so excited thinking that for once the victim is cooking up an actual revenge plan but.. all he did was burn his own damn paintings and then and went away?! and even then he couldn't stay away for good??! what a fcking disappointment. If seme is capable of raping you once or twice, what's there to stop him from doing it again?? obsessive tendencies and behavior like his don't just vanish into thin air. He didn't even get therapy so what makes you think this time will be any different?? this was infuriating tbh.. he saw ALL the damn red flags and yet somehow convinced himself he was in love

    oh perid! October 26, 2023 7:43 pm

    It is as the title says, this is just stockholm syndrome that the uke has, and to be honest, he's not a powerbottom when he's done nothing to protect himself rather merely just falling back into the seme's arms.