Just actually read a spoiler —
apparently, Ian retires to an island near the witch's island (where Rosen is) and she ends up reuniting with him after a long time but she goes back and forth between the two islands.
They're not married and wont get married cuz Rosen wants to keep her last name and ian takes contraceptives so Rosen doesnt get pregnant and yah so they're like an unmarried married couple.
She stays with him for a few seasons and has to go back for sometime then return.
He says he doesnt mind waiting for her and he put all his assets in her fake name for when he dies (a true gentleman).
- I also think this is a true fitting ending for both of them <3 As long as they are happy and are together
STRONG FEMALE LEAD & MALE LEAD IN ACTION! I can’t express how much I love thisss. My heart — I’m crying because it’s so perfect… Everything is so well written, the sequence of events, the backstories, the twists, the characters. I love this sm!!! I love Rosen and Ian, cutie little Leila, big boy Henry, Grandpa, Emily, Rosen’s supportive cellmate, the animals, everything! Now, Rosen is on her journey to Valpurgis to meet her sister Emily and Ian will definitey wait for the day that both of them will meet again (me too) I will definitely look out for updates on season 2. I can’t wait! Love you Rosen and Ian <3