Just saying

Hungryfujoshi October 4, 2023 6:14 pm

We all say man just do it just say it bruh ...
But I guarantee most of us has the guts to say this to our crush in real life coz we all know the fear right. I admire them who confess they are really brave. That is the reason why a idiot like me read these slow burns . If someone had given me the spoilers of my life to me I may have confessed them.☠

    Neco-chan October 4, 2023 7:38 pm

    Also it’s hard when they’re the same gender. U don’t know who will be cool or who will be homophobic. But yeah, ur brave if ur able confess to ur crush

    Lana October 4, 2023 7:53 pm
    Also it’s hard when they’re the same gender. U don’t know who will be cool or who will be homophobic. But yeah, ur brave if ur able confess to ur crush Neco-chan

    It's still hard even if they're the not the same gender. I am in this situation where I had a crush on a guy and I "feel" that he feels the same way. but we can't seem to talk to each. For me, I am afraid to be rejected. I can imagine it would be harder for these guys.

    Hungryfujoshi October 5, 2023 12:17 am

    For me it is the hardest when you both are friends. Like when your eyes meet with each other eyes you can feel the spark in both sides, but then you think oh it will ruin our so called friendship, the last thread that connects us.

    Lana October 5, 2023 1:12 am

    I see what u mean. It's difficult when when you really like someone, you don't want to ruin what you have already, but at the same time, you maybe able to have more if you are willing to take a chance....I don't know I am not an expect, just look at me and my crush....