Operation True Love (or: “pure love operation” on mango)
Romance 101 (“A proper guide to dating”)
After school lessons for unripe apples
High School Debut
Secret Lady (this one isn’t really “fun” I guess but it’s realllyyyy good.)
My Lucky Strike
All of those can be found on Webtoon besides High School Debut and Secret Lady. I read those for better translations before I come to here to read further chapters. This is all I can think of off the top of my head but I’ll definitely be sure to come back and comment when I think of more! Also After School Lessons is soooo cute and funny. I love all of them but there’s no big understandings or anything at all in that one. It’s really refreshing but it is slower paced
This is literally the best I have read and NOTHING compares. Does anyone have ANY recs for also this type fun stories?