first of all
dan is indebted to a SADISTIC mma fighter who will most likely kill him if he tries to leave
whether he really owes anything to jaekyung for helping him get out of his debt, jaekyung’s character has clearly been established as abusive and fucking scary
you really think he would just let dan leave???
and a safe word was never established in the first place????? stop means stop. dan is CLEARLY not enjoying it. he cries literally every single time and the only way he can stay hard is with a toy.
and how do you know dan is happy??? he never once said he is happy with his situation. everything he is doing is so he can get by. he’s developing stockholm syndrome!!!! that’s why he thinks he’s in love!!!! this is an ABUSIVE and TOXIC relationship.
you’re so messed up for saying this is your favorite piece. it’s the way you get horny to torture rape is so incredibly concerning.

This is what im talking about in my first time comment here on jinx and they bash me because i said that this is not real story but a fictional and dont hate jk cuz they have agreements and yet they said that im delusional or something and what the worst is they tell me to go to hell da heck hope this comment get have a lot of likes this all f*¢king bashers should know there place no one even dying but acting like pathetic crazy
Sephy love your comment

Hahaha sorry for my lazyness for replying such a sort sentence and i think u misunderstood it i read it cuz i love all the work of this author and im interested what will gonna happen to them also like what u said i love all what happening to them except for jk showing it to heesoo (srry for wrong spelling) but i can't hate him just because of that alits not a reason to stop loving and reading this mahwa hope you understand my rply i just wanna be clear cuz i don't want to fight in something that it don't make any sense sorry if i offend you in any words i say

Is JK sadistic? Talking to someone in BDSM there are preset words, you don't need safe words necessarily.
"Well… no. You don’t always need to agree a safeword in advance with your partner, even when doing serious kinky stuff. Why? Well, primarily because in most cases there are dozens of pre-made safewords that should stop a scene if uttered. "
Stop mean stops but have you read the read of the story, the next line or understand the story? It is stop to sex that means stop..
is Dan not enjoying it?? I don't think you have a understanding of the story. "The only way he can stay hard is with a toy" False. this shows you don't understand the story. Have you read the story or are you using a summary from a friend who has mislead you.
This is not and cannot be stockholm syndrome. He had feelings before they had sex. It is a abusive and toxic relationship. it is fiction.
Jk is not the monster you paint. I think you are projection because you are attacking real people. You are aboing abusive and tocic to real people who has different opinions. They are allowed to say this is their favorite piece. Stop attacking others and suppressing the target auidence voice. You are only here camping to attack them and others with different opinons. You are the target auidence. This story is also not rape.

TMSM writes ..... ( The last link is really something I posted, TM just doesn't say that.lol)
However, it isn’t Stockholm Syndrome.
As we know, Stockholm Syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time. This condition applies to situations including child abuse, coach-athlete abuse, relationship abuse and sex trafficking
This isn’t the right type of relationship abuse and if you look at psychological causes, signs and symptoms this story doesn’t fit.
It gives you 5 Examples of Stockholm Syndrome. None are close. 4 is the Stockholm syndrome abusive relationship. The abuse that causes Stockholm Syndrome isn’t there and there many elements that don’t allow to development to Stockholm syndrome.
The original Beauty and the Beast is Stockholm Syndrome but the Disney’s version isn’t. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1460&context=criterion#:~:text=The%20original%20Beauty%20of%20Beauty,syndrome%20have%20all%20but%20vanished.

Jinx is sexual abuse. IF you take in al the details, definations, and things you are missing it is not rape. Rape is your pov. That is okay. lets keep to your pov. It is very concering that you are attacking people for being healthy and for something that is common.
Your behavior is disgustion and very concerning as you are attacking others because they have a different opinon.
—— research
“Human sexuality experts emphatically state that rape fantasy is not wrong, but healthy and normal.”
“As you can see, forced sex fantasies have a rich psychology behind them and people may have these fantasies for wildly different reasons. In many cases, these fantasies don’t have a deeper meaning beyond someone just having an active imagination, a desire for sexual thrills, or a penchant for domination and submission. However, in other cases, they may have their roots in coping with trauma.”
“In real-life contexts, rape – meaning sex against your will – is deeply traumatising. It’s not at all ‘sexy’. It’s an intense violation that causes high levels of distress.”
“And it’s incredibly important to note that while rape fantasies are common, this does not mean that women secretly want to be raped. There is a huge difference between acted out role-play, imagined scenarios, and real-life experiences. No one asks to be raped, no one deserves to be raped, and how common forced sex fantasies are in no way justifies unwanted sexual contact of any nature.
After research on the subject, psychologists and sexologists agree today that those fantasies are very common, completely healthy, and reveal a core element in female eroticism.
First of all, there is an important distinction between such fantasies and an actual rape experience. In no way does having the fantasy imply a desire to be raped in real life. Psychologist Michael Castleman, in his article Why Do Women Have Rape Fantasies? on Psychology Today, dismisses as obsolete the view that fantasies always reflect wishes. Therefore, women who have rape fantasies do not actually want to be coerced into sex.”
“ Yet the role played by erotic fiction and fantasy is an important one, says sexologist and director of Sexology Australia, Elaine George. "Erotic fiction, in particular, enables a woman to get carried away with her sense of imagination and imaginary play," she says.
"That imaginary play can be with a lover. It can be with multiple lovers. And it can be inventing a scenario that enables her to become erotically charged.”
She may NEVER want to be with multiple lovers or could be against it in reality.
“ Why do women read erotic fiction?
Distraction and feelings of ease were identified as prime rewards associated with reading erotic novels.”
—- me again.
It’s a fantasy. Not reality. haters would do best to stop confusing the two.

to add.. My frind TMSM into BDSM said stop and no can be role playing and not good safe words.
For example, if you and a partner are engaged in consensual non-consent (CNC) role play, which involves forced domination where both parties ‘act’ as if consent has been waived, then saying “Stop” and “No” may be part of the role play.
You girls need to stop projecting on BL characters. That’s the real reason why y’all are bothered with the sex happening in the story. Because y’all picture yourselves as the uke. It’s embarrassing and if Dan decides Jaekyung can fuck him whenever, however, then that’s what’s gonna happen. Whether you like it or not they got an agreement. And “stop” isn’t a safeword for their relationship. Dan is a grown man, if he didn’t like it he’d stop going to Jaekhyung’s place. The character is obviously happy with how things are going and he’s literally falling in love. They both are. Everybody with a minimum of 2 brain cells could tell they were endgame. Every update y’all are faster than the fans of this manhwa and comment bs in the comment section, why??? Jinx is my favourite work at the moment, every update seems so far away and each chapter is always too short for me. Yet y’all get there the second this gets updated and camp in the comments because y’all delusional selves project on the uke. Dan is not you. You are not Dan. You’ll never be Dan. The character is happy with his situation, be happy for him.
On other news I can’t wait for potato and the actor’s relationship to develop. I hope it’s full of the angst and toxicity that entertains us. Oh and It’s funny how the male characters are all gay!