Maybe it’s ok to exclude…

Mystique_Randy October 3, 2023 11:39 am

I know this place is for every manga and plenty of straight women(even men) use this site but u can’t deny the majority r here for yaoi and no I’m not here for fairness like keep straight smut off the main page PLEASE, don’t care that’s it’s on here bc I sure as hell don’t be looking for it but I can’t necessarily avoid it when it’s on the freaking front page now can I?

    TobiasKlein October 6, 2023 8:16 pm
    Oh yeah you’re right. Btw why did you say you’re gay and not bi? You made a huge point to say ‘I’m gay and womens bodies don’t disgust me’ … yeah ofc u gonna be fine with juicy coochie right in yo... Mystique_Randy

    im bi but male leaning and my sexual orientation doesn't determine what disgusts me. its just part of the human body. i dont see it for 2 seconds and think "wow this is super attractive" because its just a random picture of a normal part of the human body.. a gay (not bi) man can look at a pussy and not be disgusted because its just a picture and its just part of the body...

    TobiasKlein October 6, 2023 8:22 pm
    im bi but male leaning and my sexual orientation doesn't determine what disgusts me. its just part of the human body. i dont see it for 2 seconds and think "wow this is super attractive" because its just a rand... TobiasKlein

    additionally, i did read most of this and im not really attracted to it bc i think its a weird story (for me especially because i really dont read straight stuff) but im still not disgusted even if i dont necessarily like it or the art