Okay, i know I had some stupid and pathetic comments. I made an edit so I don't know how many.
Sometimes is best not to say a thing and scroll by. What did you not understand in the first two sentences?
I added this.
The translation was to ignore this. A hater will not let a purposely made drama go. I am tired of the same stuff. I created a topic for the next hater.
who writers' stupid comments will be blocked and maybe spammed by articles on how to be a better person. I did not think I needed to write this.

You are blocked. you are excused from being controlling and please take a break from the internet. If you don't understand why are you commenting or telling me to take a break when I don't need it? Why not have a civil conversation with than that bullshit.
TM why is going? Why did you write that?
Well. IF you read you would know. some created drama on purpose and it died down but one person has to keep it going and for 2 months we get the same things over and over. It seems people believe lies about us. So next time a hater calls us a cult I will come to this topic and post in the thread. So the next time a hater says it is a story why are defending the story so hard, I will come to this topic and post in the thread and so I have been defending people. It was to save a headache. That is ongoing. We say this repeatedly but we don't have a topic that clearly says all this stuff. So when a genuine person comes along we can show you the truth.

4. We never created drama or attacked people..... Rose and I mocked cyberbullying.
That would be Rose mocking cyberbullying. She is doing that because I was told 4 times to go kill myself. Since she has been back she has been told once. She is a rape survivor. They knew she was. There is a problem here. Yet, we are irrational and whatever else for standing up to. Haters lie about us. I just wanted all of them together for next time because it is in many threads not we never made a topic with all the information.
I just got cyber bullied on here, dudes. I am standing up too. stop telling people to go bed or get of online when they are in right and you have no clue what is happening.
No one cares. Chapter 35 is more important.
^ Translation was to ignore this. A hater will not let a purposely made drama go. I am tired of the same stuff. I created a topic for the next hater.
who writers' stupid comments will be blocked and maybe spammed by articles on how to be a better person. I did not think I needed to write this.
1. There is no cult here. S
2. We are defending people who were attacked by haters. Haters this means people are not books.
3. This is never been a disagreement or a POV or POV.
4. We never created drama or attacked people..... Rose and I mocked cyberbullying.
5. We accept other POVs and never force anything.
6 All of us but Rose has one account.
7. None of us are trolls.
8. IF you feel like you are talking in circles with us, you are a hater and not having a real conversation with us.
9, if you feel like you are dragging yourself down deeper and deeper, you are a hater and not having a real conversation with us.
10. Most of us, don't care about the story, we defending the people.
11. Haters have been silencing others, We are standing up to them but we are seen as being irrational.
12. We have been chill, calm, and rational in our posts but since they are long they are viewed differently by most. It is like you think you have us upset or something. No.
13. People are lying and spreading misinformation about us. We have seen it and have been told about it.
14. A block means you have bad behavior or abusive language. it does not stop the communication. You can change your behavior. But this is seeing we think we are wrnog but we mostly share facts. lol. Wrong in? lol
15. Since June, I have tried many times to have a conversation, but I have not been fighting or arguing, with them. I had very few genuine conversations with them. They don't try and impose their opinions. I stopped trying before September 14ish. I am still judged on the past and like I have hater's behavior. Tora and the rest are judged as if they were me and they have barely been here.
Normally, we don't make many topics when there is a drama created by a saly hater but I guess we going to because people are getting the wrong idea of us because they are only getting the false side of things. The drama should not be happening, I wished they would leave us and the people on this page alone. Somehow they are mad at us for free education?? I don't know. I would love to share my opinion without getting attacked. People who loved the BDSM in chapter 34 would love to talk about that but they get attacked. There is a problem on this page. It was here before us. Don't blame us, we just stand up to it. like normal people do. We are doing the right thing and we don't appreciate how we are being treated. We did nothing wrong besides mocking attacking and trying to have real conversations with haters.