Some of the things the MC does gets on my nerves for example when the Duke asked about wha...

Day October 3, 2023 4:29 am

Some of the things the MC does gets on my nerves for example when the Duke asked about what was going on with his own niece she said that she couldn't trust him not only that he offered to take his niece back to his country with him because he can provide for her better and it's also safer for her and I know the child doesn't want to go but what's most important is her safety also MC needs to drop that delusion of the family getting along with the child and honestly don't want the child to be with people who let her be abused while knowing full well that she was being abused and also attempted to murder her I mean MC can always go visit her isn't the country talking about a treaty

    Day October 3, 2023 4:41 am

    I know MC is trying her best to protect her sister but she honestly doesn't have the power to or the ability to and her sister will be better off going with her uncle

    LIGMA October 3, 2023 10:26 pm

    Actually I think it will also harm fleta if they will be separated because it will only be a sign of abandonment again, Oh well that's life

    Amnesia's Heroine October 6, 2023 11:45 am

    I feel like it stems from the way she was raised. The father treasured our MC so much and she as raised her entire life thinking that everything was perfect. I mean it took the end of the world for her to realize her older sister hates her and it still hasn’t sunk in. We don’t know how much time has past since she regressed. And the one thing that she promised Fleta before regression was that she would be there for her always. So she wants to give Fleta the life she had. And yes, she could visit her in the other country but there’s no promise that there will be a treaty. Like the King legit brought his sister on as he queen and disowned their child. I doubt he really wants his precious daughter go visit another country. Even if there was one, she probably wouldn’t even see her that often and at most they could do is exchange letters. Fleta going to another country isn’t like going to your next door neighbors house