But what about Woo-in's stepbrother tho? I think his story did not have any happy conclusi...

YaoiIsLife October 3, 2023 12:42 am

But what about Woo-in's stepbrother tho? I think his story did not have any happy conclusion at all. I mean last time we saw him is him hopefully waiting for Woo-in to come in his exhibition, only for Woo-in to not arrive in the end, then he left the country. I mean, he really wasn't a bad guy. He didn't know what was going on with Woo-in. He thought he was helping him. I wanted to see him get complete closure with Woo-in and finally move on, maybe even see him with another potential lover

    CrocodileGhost October 3, 2023 1:26 am

    I totally forgot about the brother ☠☠☠

    Aloevara October 3, 2023 1:53 am

    i feel like he got his closure at the hospital though and honestly i think its good enough that he decided to finally move on (tbh i hate what he did to woo-in and this is what he deserves)

    YaoiIsLife October 3, 2023 2:48 am
    i feel like he got his closure at the hospital though and honestly i think its good enough that he decided to finally move on (tbh i hate what he did to woo-in and this is what he deserves) Aloevara

    But what did he do tho? I don't remember much tbh but what I do remember, correct me if I'm wrong, is that he fell in love with Woo-in and thought that crush of his was bad for Woo-in so he decided to push him away for Woo-in's sake. He had zero knowledge of what Woo-in was going through as Woo-in never confided with him, and he also had zero knowledge of how his parents was treating him.

    Aloevara October 3, 2023 3:10 am
    But what did he do tho? I don't remember much tbh but what I do remember, correct me if I'm wrong, is that he fell in love with Woo-in and thought that crush of his was bad for Woo-in so he decided to push him ... YaoiIsLife

    he basically wanted woo-in to think that he moved on and his methods were distasteful .. remember in class the step brother has friends who calls woo-in his slave or smth along those lines. he decided to stop defending woo-in from those hurtful claims his friends r assholes i cant rmb much but ik they said some things to woo-in’s face and made him run snack errands for them.

    on the day woo-in’s dad died, he wanted to ask his step bro to accompany him to the morgue but without even listening to the reason woo-in wanted to meet afterschool, the step bro said “why should i care?” and that line stuck with him til adulthood because we get that flashback twice. poor guy kept his problems to himself because he thought he had to shoulder it all and it wasn’t anyone else’s business.

    the step bro knew that atp he was all woo-in had and he still left to study overseas without informing woo-in til the day of departure (if im not wrong. tbh woo-in’s backstory made my heart hurt so i quickly skimmed through the contents)

    sure the step brother isn’t that bad but i feel like there are other ways to make woo-in think he moved on, no reason for him to resort to the extremities. but yeah theyre just bad for each other

    i get where the step bro is coming from but i find it hard to empathise with him lolol

    YaoiIsLife October 3, 2023 4:46 am
    he basically wanted woo-in to think that he moved on and his methods were distasteful .. remember in class the step brother has friends who calls woo-in his slave or smth along those lines. he decided to stop d... Aloevara

    Frankly some of what you said is wrong/inaccurate or just misleading.

    1. The stepbrother's classmate called Woo-in his servant in Chapter 54, to qoute: "Must be real nice to have a servant" it's indirect but yes the stepbrother didn't defend Woo-in but he was clearly bothered by it. In Chapter 55, the same classmate again directly said Woo-in was his personal slave and that was what made the stepbrother snap and so he got mad and literally beat up that classmate of his. He didn't stop defending Woo-in and later on he went abroad. Him letting Woo-in go an errand to the store happened only once, this was after he decided to distance himself from Woo-in.

    2. When he confessed to Woo-in, Woo-in cried because he essentially said it was gonna mess up their family and Woo-in had nowhere else to go. So the stepbrother thought that if he pursued this crush on Woo-in, it would only hurt Woo-in and make him uncomforteable because of his confession so that's why he decided to distance himself from Woo-in and make Woo-in believe he wasn't interested in him anymore. This context is important for the next point.

    3. On the day Woo-in's dad died, yes he wanted his stepbrother to accompany him to the morgue but like I said before, Woo-in didn't tell the stepbrother anything. He only asked him to come with him somewhere afterschool and his stepbrother, not knowing it was to the morgue, declined because he was set in distancing himself from Woo-in and that includes going with him alone in some places, this is to prevent further intimacy with him. If Woo-in directly told him it was to the morgue, the stepbrother would have definitely went with him. But like I said, Woo-in didn't tell him anything. The stepbro even only discovered years later that Woo-in's parents died, because no one really told him anything, and that included Woo-in.

    4. "the step bro knew that atp he was all woo-in had and he still left to study overseas"
    - No. The stepbro thought his family was all what Woo-in had, not him alone.

    To qoute Woo-in: Chapter 55 "I don't have anywhere else to go. Mom and Dad aren't even on my side either. So why are you like this too? We're suppposed to be family."

    That last 2 sentence is what made the stepbro think his presence is what's going to make Woo-in uncomforteable in their family. That's why he started distancing himself and left abroad.

    5. The stepbrother did not do anything particularly extreme or very distasteful. And they are not bad or toxic to each other. They get along with each other just fine. All their issues is mainly caused by the stepbrother's parents' terrible treatment of Woo-in, that was the main driving force why their relationship can't and never progressed.

    6. I understand why Woo-in never told anyone about his problems and decided to shoulder everything on his own, because he was just a kid and he was scared. But if only at least he told his stepbrother, his stepbrother would have never left in the first place and would have definitely done everything he could to help Woo-in. But alas, that's not what happened. Because in the end, the stepbrother simply did not know and no one told him anything.

    He has no fault just for those two conditions alone.

    Aloevara October 3, 2023 6:39 am
    Frankly some of what you said is wrong/inaccurate or just misleading. 1. The stepbrother's classmate called Woo-in his servant in Chapter 54, to qoute: "Must be real nice to have a servant" it's indirect but ye... YaoiIsLife

    you should be on the debate team good points im just petty & put myself in woo-in’s shoes so im sensitive

    YaoiIsLife October 3, 2023 10:49 am
    you should be on the debate team good points im just petty & put myself in woo-in’s shoes so im sensitive Aloevara

    Speaking of Woo-in tho, his backstory was really so tragic. I'm so happy he has loving, handsome, rich lover now. Woo-in deserve this